Pic 3 iraq

Al Qaida In Iraq

By m greer
  • Al Qaida in Iraq formation and first Attack

    On this day the terroist group Al Qaida in Iraq made its first attack, in which Tawhid wa'l Jihad assainated Lawence Foley in Jordan. lawence Foley , a U.S offfiecer in the agency for international developement was the only one killed in the attack. The formation of AQI was made in order to establish Sunnii islamic rule in Iraq.
  • Attack on U.N.

    Attack on U.N.
    On this day Al Zaqawi led a bombing on the United Nations Headquarters on Baghdad killing 22. http://www.un.org/en/memorial/previous.shtml
  • Al Zarqawi and Bin Laden

    Al Zarqawi and Bin Laden
    On this day Al Zarqawi plegded his alligence to Osama Bin Laden. "We will listen to your orders," it said. "If you ask us to join the war, we will do it and we will listen to your instructions. If you stop us from doing something, we will abide by your instructions." http://articles.cnn.com/2004-10-17/world/al.zarqawi.statement_1_al-zarqawi-abu-musab-al-qaeda-leader?_s=PM:WORLD
  • Regonized Terrorist Organization

    Regonized Terrorist Organization
    On this day the Bush administration formally regonized Al Qaida in Iraq (AQI) as a terrorist organization.
  • Marketplace Bombing

    Marketplace Bombing
    Multiple suicide bombers killed about 100 and wounded 150 in a marketplace in the southern Iraq town of Musayyib. The bombings occured around 8:30 and destroyed many of the surronding buildings. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/17/AR2005071700338.html
  • Death of Al Zarqawi

    Death of Al Zarqawi
    Al Zarqawi was killd as a result of an U.S. bombing raid targeting the house where Zarqawi was meeting with other insurgence leaders. Al Zarqawi the leader of Al Qaida in Iraq since its formtion in 2002 and the mastermind of many of the attacks made. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060800114.html
  • Yasidi Communities Bombing

    Yasidi Communities Bombing
    Bombings in Qahtaniya and Jazeera occour on this date with an estimated 796 dead and 1,562 wounded. This is the most deadliest car bomb to date in Iraq, and altough never confirmed the Al Qaida in Iraq teroist group is most heaily associeted with the attack. http://news.bf-1.com/most-tragic-acts-of-terrorism-in-history-2007-yazidi-communities-bombings-iraq
  • Child recuitment

    Child recuitment
    On this day videos are found of child recuitment and training of children as young as 6, in a desperated attempt to continue thier terroist organization.
  • Al Qaida in Iraq suffers losses

    On this day top U.S. commander estimated 80% of Al Qaida in Iraq leaders have been removed, leaving only about 8 left. Also, attacks from Al Qaida hit a low since the U.S. led invasion in 2003.
  • Al Qaida in Iraq retaliation

    On this day leader of Al Qaida in Iraq ,Abu Du'a, launced several suicide bombing attacks in Musaul, Iraq resulting in 70 deaths. Shortly after Abu Du'a released a video theating more attacks will come as retaliation for Bin Ladens death in May of 2011. http://www.webcitation.org/62HxbVjBF