Al Capone Does My Homework

By ta90869
  • The warden's son

    showing what the alcatraz island looks like.
  • the cons point system

    Well the cons have a point system involving everybody like 5 points for spitting on a guard 10 point if you spit on the warden
    but the highest you can get for points is 500 an d thats for killing the warden so now mooses dad is in grave danger so now moose has to watchover his dad and his sister.
  • Period: to


  • moose gets letter from a con

    moose gets letter from a  con
    moose gets a letter from a con that moose is not really sure of and the way the prisoner discribe it he has somebody else helping him.
  • A fire happened

    the flanagans apartment caught on fire and nobody knows who did it yet.but some are thinking it could have been his sister since she is known for being clumbsy
  • under caconis' apartment

    there might be somebody trying to target moose and his family
  • Al capone is my english teacher

    Al capone is my english teacher
    Capone messed up on mooses homework.But how strange is it to have a con doing my homework hmmm.
  • fingering suckers

    moose was reading some information like this,The count stole $22,000 from a group of bankers.when they caught up with him,he convinced them that if they pressed charges,their bank would go belly the bankers let him go free and paid him $1,000 for the inconvenience they caused.
  • under the caconi's apartment

    moose is having a hard time accepting that he does'nt want this to be all about moose does'nt want there to be somebody out ther targeting us cause that's just to creepy/nightmare.
  • the queen falls

    the queen falls
    his eyes move quickley across her as if he has been belted in the gut and can no longer breathe.He puts his head in his hands and closed his eyes.
  • state problem

    state problem
    "It's going to be okay moose,"Mrs.Mattaman keeps saying over and over again,but each word is an envelope with nothing inside. P.S the image is just an example