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  • 701

    origin and formation of the Christian kingdoms

  • Period: 711 to 750


    Battle Of Guadalete,the Visigothic nobles and clerics,along with a small part of the population,took refuge in the Cantabrian mountains.Al-Andalus is part of the Umayyad Caliphate.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    The battle of Covadonga took place in 718 or 722 in Covadonga, a place near Cangas de Onís, between the Asturian army of Don Pelayo and troops of al-Ándalus, who were defeated.
  • Period: 756 to 929


    The emirate of Córdoba is governed by the Umayyad dynasty.
    It is independent from the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad.
    The Emirate becomes more prosperous
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Caliphate Of Córdoba

    During the Caliphate,Córdoba is one of biggest and most important cities in the world.
  • 951

    Castilla county independence

    Castilla county independence
    The county of Castilla was a geographical area that was part of the kingdom of Asturias and the kingdom of León until it took the form of an autonomous State in 932.
  • 1001

    consolidation of christian kingdoms

  • Period: 1031 to 1212

    Taifas And North African Rulers

    1031-The Caliphate desintegrates into several smaller kingdoms called Taifas.
    1085-The Christians take Toledo.
    1086-The Almoravids defeat the Christians at the battle of Sagrajas.
    1147-The Almohads take control.
    1212-The Christian kings defeat the Almohads at the battle of Navas de Tolosa.The Christians soon take cities in Andalusia like Jaén,Córdoba and Seville.
  • 1035

    death of third sancho from pamplona

    death of third sancho from pamplona
    he was king of Pamplona from 1004 until his death. His reign is considered the stage of greatest hegemony in the kingdom of Pamplona over the Spanish-Christian sphere in all its history.
  • 1038

    The kingdom of Castilla annexes the kingdom of León

    The kingdom of Castilla annexes the kingdom of León
    The kingdom of León was located in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula, at its maximum extent it covered the north of Portugal, the current autonomous communities of Galicia, the Principality of Asturias, Cantabria, the provinces of León, Zamora and much of the province of Salamanca.
  • 1043

    Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, "El Cid"

    Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, "El Cid"
    Rodrigo Díaz was a Castilian military leader who came to dominate the Levante of the Iberian Peninsula at the end of his 11th century as an independent lordship with respect to the authority of any king.
  • 1118

    conquest of Zaragoza by Alfonso II

    conquest of Zaragoza by Alfonso II
    The conquest of Zaragoza in 1118 was a military operation led by Alfonso I el Batallador, king of Aragon and Pamplona, ​​which allowed him to snatch the city of Zaragoza from the Almoravids.
  • 1128

    Alfonso Enríquez makes the kingdom of Portugal independent

    Alfonso Enríquez makes the kingdom of Portugal independent
    After several skirmishes and feints of battles, Leon and Portuguese reached an agreement that same year, establishing the current border between Galicia and Portugal.
  • 1137

    marriage of petronila and ramon berenguer iv

    marriage of petronila and ramon berenguer iv
    the kingdom of Aragon and the county of Barcelona would be unified
  • 1201

    the great expansion of the Christian kingdoms

  • 1201

    Nazari kingdom of Granada

  • Period: 1212 to 1492

    Kingdom Of Granada

    Granada is the only Muslim kingdom left in the Iberian Península.
    Granada is ruled by the Nasrid Dynasty.
    Many Muslims leave other parts of the peninsula and go to the Kingdom of Granada.
    The kingdom is prosperous,but its army is weak.
  • 1213

    Pedro II of Aragon is defeated at the Battle of Muret

    Pedro II of Aragon is defeated at the Battle of Muret
    On September 12, 1213, Pedro II de Aragón lost his life when he was defeated by Simón de Monfort in the battle of Muret. Paradoxes of history, the hero of the Navas de Tolosa, the King who had been crowned in Rome, renewing the vows of his vassalage to the pontiff Innocent III, died defending the Albigensian heresy before the crusader knights of Simon de Monfort.
  • 1230

    definitive union of the kingdoms of castilla and leon

    definitive union of the kingdoms of castilla and leon
    The Crown of Castile, as a historical entity, is usually considered to begin with the last and final union of the Crowns of Leon and Castile, with their respective kingdoms and entities, in 1230, or with the union of the Cortes, some decades later.
  • 1238

    Jaime I of Aragon conquers Valencia

    Jaime I of Aragon conquers Valencia
    It was the set of military maneuvers that led to the annexation of most of the current territory of the Valencian Community to the Crown of Aragon. In just sixteen years, between 1229 and 1245, the Crown of Aragon achieved the conquest of much of what would later be known as the Kingdom of Valencia.
  • 1282

    peter III the great of aragon incorporates sicily

    peter III the great of aragon incorporates sicily
    , he was the son of Jaime I the Conqueror and his second wife Violante of Hungary. He succeeded his father in 1276 in the titles of King of Aragon, King of Valencia and Count of Barcelona. Furthermore, he also became king of Sicily.