Period: 700 to 987
Period: 700 to 980
Muslim conquest of Toledo
The capital of the Visigothic Kingdom, a fortress of the Emirate of Cordoba, an outpost of the Christian Kingdom, -
Period: 711 to 726
Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula
Period: 711 to 756
Emirate Dependent of Damascus
Battle of Guadalete
In 711, a Berber army crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and fought a decisive battle against the Visigoth king, Rodrigo. The betrayal by the Goda nobility gave victory to Islamic troop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8LgN6z62NM&t=27s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Guadalete -
Period: 714 to 756
Emirate Independent of Baghdad
Battle of Covadonga
Was a small-scale clash between Islamic Moors and a force of Christians from Asturias in northern Spain—led by their king, Don Pelayo. It guaranteed the survival of a Christian foothold in Iberia and is sometimes described as the start of the "Reconquista"—the reconquest of Spain from the Muslims. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Battle-of-Covadonga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-0fhO0Jeu4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYL-y4hsczU -
Batalla de Covadonga
Muslim defeat in the battle of Poitiers
Battle of Tours, also called Battle of Poitiers, (October 732), victory won by Charles Martel, the de facto ruler of the Frankish kingdoms, over Muslim invaders from Spain. The battlefield cannot be exactly located, but it was fought somewhere between Tours and Poitiers, in what is now west-central France https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Tours-732 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb8pGJy2aXs -
Galicia se incorpora al reino de Asturias
Period: 739 to 920
Reino de Asturias
Abd al-Rahman I, becomes emir of Cordoba
Born near Damascus in Syria, Abd al-Rahman was the son of the Umayyad prince Mu'awiya ibn Hisham and his concubine Ra'ha, a Berber woman from the Nafza tribe, and thus the grandson of Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. -
Batalla de Roncesvalles
Period: 802 to 1035
Condado de Aragon
Creación del reino de Pamplona
Period: 830 to 1170
Reino de Pamplona
Period: 910 to 1230
Reino de León
El reino de Asturias paso a llamarse Reino de León
Abd al-Rahman III proclaims himself caliph
He was the grandson of Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi, seventh independent Umayyad emir of al-Andalus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_al-Rahman_III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xJp9QM_vc -
Period: 929 to 1031
Caliphate of Córdoba
Independencia del condado de Castilla
Period: 959 to 1230
Condado-Reino Castilla
Al-Mansur Military Expeditions
Al-Mansur Ali I was an Imam of Yemen who ruled in 1775–1809. He belonged to the Qasimid family, descended from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, which dominated the Zaidi. -
Borrell II deja de prestar fidelidad a los reyes francos
Period: 987 to 1137
Condados catalanes
Period: 1031 to 1250
Taifa Kingdoms
División del reino de Pamplona
El reino de Castilla se anexiona el Reino de León
El Cid
Period: 1046 to 1096
Almoravids and Almohads
Construcción de la catedral de Santiago
Conquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI
The conquest of Toledo at the hands of the kingdom of León was a fact that occurred on May 6, 1085 under the rule of Alfonso VI, which permanently evicted the Muslim forces of Al-Qádir, emir of the Taifa of Toledo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKsgOb8oe-4 -
Arrival of the Almoravids and Battle of Zalaca
Was a battle between the Almoravid army led by their king Yusuf ibn Tashfin and an army led by the Castilian King Alfonso VI -
First reconquest of Valencia by El Cid
This was the first reconquest by El Cid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SngT8DkNetc -
Unión de Aragón y los condados catalanes. Se formó la Corona de Aragón
Period: 1151 to 1300
Corona de Aragon
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, known in Arab history as the Battle of Al-Uqab, took place on 16 July 1212 and was an important turning point in the Reconquista and in the medieval history of Spain.[7] The Christian forces of King Alfonso VIII of Castile were joined by the armies of his rivals, Sancho VII of Navarre and Peter II of Aragon, in battle[8] against the Almohad Muslim rulers of the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1RMtvWkQzg -
Unión definitiva de Castilla y León. Se forma la Corona de Castilla
Period: 1230 to 1300
Corona de Castilla
Foundation of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
The Caliphate of Córdoba was a state in Islamic Iberia along with a part of North Africa ruled by the Umayyad dynasty. https://www.britannica.com/place/Caliphate-of-Cordoba -
Conquest of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs
The Granada War was a series of military campaigns between 1482 and 1491, during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, against the Nasrid dynasty's Emirate of Granada. https://www.spanishwars.net/15th-century-conquest-of-granada.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsUNpB0dRZw