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  • 460


    Democritus was born in Abdera, Greece in 460BC. All matter consists of invisible particles called atoms Atoms are indestructible Atoms are solid but invisible.
    Atoms are homogenous.
    Atoms differ in size, shape, mass, position, and arrangement.
    Solids are made of small, pointy atoms.
    Liquids are made of large, round atoms.
    Oils are made of very fine, small atoms that can easily slip past each other.He published over 70 books.
    Born to a family of wealth.
    Very close with his father.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John Dalton was born in Eaglesfield, England, on September 6, 1766, to a Quaker family.The main points of Dalton's atomic theory were: Elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed.He discovered a atom.Dalton created the first chart of atomic weights.
  • J.J. Thompson

    J.J. Thompson
    J.J. Thompson Created the electron.Did you know that J.J. Thompson got a noble prize.Joseph John Thomson, who was always called J.J., was born in Cheetham Hill, England, near Manchester, in 1856.Thomson began studying cathode rays, which are glowing beams of light that follow an electrical discharge in a high-vacuum tube. It was a popular research topic among physicists at the time because the nature of cathode rays was unclear.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Born on October 7, 1885, in Copenhagen, Denmark, Niels Bohr went on to become an accomplished physicist who came up with a revolutionary theory on atomic structures and radiation emission. He helped to establish CERN, a Europe-based particle physics research facility, in 1954 and put together the Atoms for Peace Conference of 1955.Bohr’s own research led him to theorize in a series of articles that atoms give off electromagnetic radiation as a result of electrons jumping to different orbit level
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford

    Lord Ernest Rutherford
    Ernest Rutherford was born in rural Spring Grove, on the South Island of New Zealand on August 30, 1871. Rutherford identified a simpler and more commercially viable means of detecting radio waves than had been previously established by German physicist Heinrich Hertz.Rutherford was invited by Professor J.J. Thomson to collaborate on a study of X-rays.Rutherford studied the effects of X-rays on the conductivity of gases, resulting in a paper about dividing atoms and molecules into ions.