Akron & US History

  • Thomas Jefferson Inaguration

    Thomas Jefferson Inaguration
    Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was the first to be inaugurated in the capital city of Washington, D.C. The ceremonies took place on March 4, 1801, in the Senate wing of the not yet finished Capitol building.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    In exchange, the United States acquired the vast domain of Louisiana Territory, some 828,000 square miles of land. The treaty was dated April 30 and signed on May 2. In October, the U.S. Senate ratified the purchase, and in December 1803 France transferred authority over the region to the United States.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a military conflict that lasted from June 1812 to February 1815, fought between the United States of America and the United Kingdom, its North American colonies, and its Native American allies.
  • Ohio Erie Canal

    Ohio Erie Canal
    The Ohio & Erie Canal opens, joining the Cuyahoga and Ohio rivers. It help trade in Ohio got goods to where they could never go before. Helped the economy in Ohio greatly. Connected north and south Ohio.
  • First School in Akron

    First School in Akron
    Akron's first school is built, then replaced in 1840 by the Old Stone School. Akron was a leading influencer in the United States in making public schools a thing so everyone could get an education if they wanted one.
  • Akron

    North and South Akron incorporate making the Akron we know today. The gore use to be what separated the two cities.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    Abolitionist John Brown moves to Akron. We studied John brown throughly in class and all about his impact he had in the slave movement. Also about what he did to try and stop slavery in the south.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resolutions on January 29, 1850, in an attempt to seek a compromise and avert a crisis between North and South. As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The American Civil War was an internal conflict fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865. The Union faced secessionists in eleven Southern states grouped together as the Confederate States of America
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    On September 22, 1862, following the Union “victory” at the Battle of Antietam, the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation was issued, this preliminary proclamation would go into effect three months later on January 1, 1863. The Emancipation had an immediate and profound effect on the course of the war
  • Commander & Chief

    President Abraham Lincoln appoints Ulysses S. Grant commander in chief of all Union armies
  • Buchtel College

    Buchtel College
    John R. Buchtel founds Buchtel College, which becomes the University of Akron. Buchtel college also had a very serious fire incident happen. "Two young ladies were burned fatally, it is thought, and six others seriously at Buchtel College Saturday night. "
  • Goodrich

    Dr. Benjamin Franklin Goodrich moves his rubber factory to Akron from Melrose, New York. We also learned about Goodrich throughly during our rubber barrons. And know he was very influential in Akron early history.
  • Trolley

    The Herdic, Akron's first trolley, begins running along Howard and Main streets.
  • Birth of a Leader

    On this day in 1858, future President Theodore Roosevelt is born in New York City to a wealthy family. Roosevelt was home-schooled and then attended Harvard University, graduating in 1880. He served in the New York state legislature from 1881 to 1884
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    Statue of Liverty had been a gift from French citizens to their American friends in recognition of the two countries’ commitment to liberty and democracy and their alliance during the American Revolutionary War, which had begun 110 years earlier. The 151-foot copper statue was built in France and shipped to New York in 350 separate parts. It arrived in the city on June 17, 1886, and over the next several months was reassembled while electricians worked to wire the torch to light up at night
  • Akron Police Department

    Akron Police Department
    Akron City Council passes an Ordinance creating the Akron Police Department, which did away with the governing Marshal system. Akron police department begins a new age of law enforcement in the Akron area
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    America's annexation of Hawaii in 1898 extended U.S. territory into the Pacific and highlighted resulted from economic integration and the rise of the United States as a Pacific power. For most of the 1800s, leaders in Washington were concerned that Hawaii might become part of a European nation's empire.
  • Wright Brothers First flight

    Wright Brothers First flight
    On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright piloted the first powered airplane 20 feet above a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. The flight lasted 12 seconds and covered 120 feet. Three more flights were made that day with
    Wilbur flies a glider in earlier tests
    Kitty Hawk, Oct. 10, 1902.Orville's brother Wilbur piloting the record flight lasting 59 seconds over a distance of 852 feet
  • Harvey Firestone

    Harvey Firestone
    Harvey Firestone agrees to supply tires for cars produced by Henry Ford.  Also another rubber barron or Akron early leaders we studied
  • San Fran Earthquake

    San Fran Earthquake
    The 1906 San Francisco earthquake struck the coast of Northern California at 5:12 a.m. on April 18 with an estimated moment magnitude of 7.8 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI
  • The Fall of the Canals

    A major storm strikes on Easter Sunday, March 23, following record winter snowfalls. The storm starts in Omaha, Nebraska and rapidly moves through the Midwest. Akron's total rainfall is recorded at 9.55 inches. The resulting "Great Flood" kills five in Akron and destroys the Ohio & Erie Canal, abruptly ending the canal system. 
  • General Tire

    General Tire comes to Akron

    More than fifty interested citizens gathered to give birth to the Akron branch of the NAACP.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France. The First World War left nine million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain each losing nearly a million or more lives.
  • Football

    Playing for the Akron Indians, Fritz Pollard becomes one of the first African-Americans to play professional football.
  • Art Museum

    The Akron Art Museum, then called Akron Art Institute, opened. On Main Street in downtown Akron.
  • The Great Depression!

    The Great Depression!
    The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, the Great Depression began soon after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.
  • Soap Box Derby

    The All-American Soap Box Derby comes to Akron. The soap box derby is a yearly event that happens at derby downs where people compete to get down the hill the fastest.
  • Mayor

    Donald L. Plusquellic, who will become Akron's longest-serving mayor, is born.