Period: 1391 BCE to 1292 BCE
Armana Period
1350 BCE
Akhenaten begins his rule
1349 BCE
Birth of Akhenaten's daughter Meritaten
Period: 1349 BCE to 1345 BCE
Finishes pyons at Karnak, started by Amenhotep III
1348 BCE
Begins work on temples to the Aten at Thebes
1348 BCE
Celebrates first Jubilee
1348 BCE
Ordered the decoration if his father's pylon gateways at Karnak
1346 BCE
Building begins in new capital city, Akhetaten
1346 BCE
Birth of Akhenaten's daughters Meketateb and Ankhenspaaten
1344 BCE
Central section of Akhetaten completed
1344 BCE
Changes name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten
1344 BCE
Begins working on royal tomb
1342 BCE
Goernment moved to Akhetaten
1341 BCE
References of all gods except Re are removed, monotheism enforced
1339 BCE
Birth of Akhenaten's daughter Neferneferuaten
1338 BCE
Reception of foreign ambassadors from Asia, Africa, and the Aegean
1338 BCE
Birth of Akhenaten's daughters Neferneferure and Setepenre
1337 BCE
Official family is depicted for the last time in full
1337 BCE
Akhenaten is visited by his mother, Tiye
1337 BCE
Plague hit Egypt along with problems in Syria and Palestine
1336 BCE
Death of Akhenaten's Daughter Meketaten
1335 BCE
Death of Akhenaten's wife, Queen Nefertiti
1335 BCE
Akhenaten's eldest daughter, Meketaten, becomes queen
1334 BCE
Coregency between Smenkhkare and Akhenaten
1334 BCE
Meketaten marries Smenkhkare
1332 BCE
Death of Akhenaten