1386 BCE
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III's reign began to show an interest in the Aten in his reign as he called himself "the dazzling sun disk" and named his temple after the Aten. This laid the foundations for the future religious cult. -
1348 BCE
Temple work
Work started on 4 temples to the Aten at Thebes in year 2 of Akhenaten's reign -
1348 BCE
Temple works
Work started on 4 temples to the Aten at Thebes in year 2 of Akhenatens reign -
1348 BCE
First Jubilee
First Jubilee in year 2 of Akhenatens reign -
1347 BCE
Birth of daughters
First three daughters are born in year 3 of his reign -
1346 BCE
Creation of Akhetaten
Work starts on new city at Akhetaten, in the middle of the desert (no water source, no vegetation, no supplies). Slaves, craftsmen, military and even nobles are enlisted to build the city. Occurs in year 4 of Akhenaten's reign. This ultimately caused a strain on Egyptian resources therefore has an adverse effect on the economy, and a decline is ultimately seen in Egypt's power -
1345 BCE
Declares Aten as the only god in year 5 of his reign. This is meet with controversy, and the people (specifically priests of Amun) begin to lose faith in Akhenaten as a pharoah therefore his leadership declined in power -
1344 BCE
Name change
Amenhotep IV changes name to Akhenaten in year 6 of his reign -
1342 BCE
Political change
Seat of government transferred to Akhetaten in year 8. This causes some political upheaval -
Death of Akhenaten
Akhenaten dies, probably after the grape harvest in year 17