Akers Timeline

By Grady
  • Period: to

    Five Technologies from the 2000s

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    The USB flash drive is credited with being invented by employees from the Israeli company M-Systems. The employees were Amir Ban, Dov Moran, and Oron Ogdan. The first USB flash drive had a capacity of a measly eight megabytes. In todays world you can find USBs that hold up to one terabyte! USBs helped bury floppy discs and were much more portable.
  • Xbox

    The orignal Xbox was invented by an internal team of Microsoft console devlopers. They were Kevin Bachus, Otto Berkes, Ted Hase and Seamus Blackley. The Xbox revolutionized online gaming and added tons of new features from matchmaking to voice chat.
  • Blu-ray

    The Blu-Ray was invented by a group of of companies called the Blu-Ray Disc Association. Blu-Ray improved storage for capturing high definition video.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone was invented by Apple with heavy influence from the former CEO, Steve Jobs. The iPhone paved the way for tons of technology we still use today. From mobile web browsing to having a portable map in your pocket, the iPhone provided a much more convenient way for simple tasks.
  • Kindle

    The Kindle was developed by Amazon at CEO Jeff Bezos request, to build an e-reader before any of their competitors. The Kindle was like having a portable library in your house. It could store thousands of books and is still in use today.