AJara HOA1 Timeline

  • Virginia Declaration of Rights

    Virginia Declaration of Rights
    The Virginia Declaration was intended as the opening paragraphs for the Declaration of Rights. It was adopted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention after being written by George Mason. It is considered important because it provided the basis and foundation of government in Virginia.
  • Ratification of Articles of Confederation

    Ratification of Articles of Confederation
    Th ratification process of the Articles of Confederation occurred on March 1, 1781. This was a crucial event in our nation's history because it destroyed the restricton that was placed on Congress, allowing them to levy taxes and regulate commerce. The ratification process involved people such as John Dickinson and Benjamin Franklin.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was formed as a result of British losses at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. It was negotiated by John Jay, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. It was officially ratified on January 14, 1784. This is considered an important event because it resulted in the acknowledgment of the United States as sovereign and independent states by Great Britain.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    The Land Ordinance of 1785 was a system created by Thomas Jefferson that organized the western lands so that they may be surveyed. The Land Ordinance created a systemized way of land policy that would remain for almost a century. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1150.html
  • Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom

    Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
    Drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1777, the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom is important because it separates the church from state, emphasizing the natural law of man. It is thought to have influenced the drafting of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    Shays' Rebellion was the result of the enforcement of tax collections and judgements for debt. The leader of the rebellion, Daniel Shays, led fellow farmers through a series of protests throughout 1786 and 1787. It is considered an important event because it influenced the revising and replacing of the Articles of Confederation.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia. The main concern of the meeting was to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. It involved George Washington as the leader and included major people such as Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. It created a lasting effect because it laid the path for the United States Constitution.https://history.state.gov/milestones/1784-1800/convention-and-ratification
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    The Northwest Ordinance followed the basic outline of the Land Ordinance that had been drafted by Thomas Jefferson. It is considered important because it established a government in the Northwest region while also detailing the process of admitting a new state into the Union, and creating equality among the new and old states.
  • Ratification of the Constitution

    Ratification of the Constitution
    After being ratified by 9 out of 13 states, the Constitution was officially eligible to become the foundation for the government of the United States. Because of the efforts of George Washing, Hamilton, Madison, and others, the crucial basis of which our government was founded and developed has been in effect since 1789.
  • George Washington Inauguration

    George Washington Inauguration
    During this event, George Washington read his inaugural address to Congress. This is considered an important moment because Washington emphasized the need for shared responsibility between the president and Congress in order to preserve their government. This also created a standard for many presidential inaugurations to come.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Inspired by the American Revolution and the ideals from the Enlightenment, the French desired to to have personal freedoms and rights. However, many Americans were split in their support for the French; while people such as Thomas Jefferson wished to support France in their revolution, leaders such as Washington and Hamilton knew that they could not afford to be involved. This created tense factions within the government.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Originally proposed by Alexander Hamilton in 1791, the tax placed on whiskey distillation created a conflict that soon rose out of control. Because of the strain that the tax put on them, the farmers began protesting and soon began to riot. The result was the marching of 13,000 army men by George Washington westward, where the rioting ceased almost immediately. This was important because it demonstrated the power of the government to the people.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    Jay's Treaty created peace between the countries of Great Britain and the United States. Involving John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington, the treaty took after Hamilton's ideas; therefore, Jay was aiming to stabilize the nation's relations with Great Britain while also increasing trade with them. This is important because, although unpopular, it left the United States in a period of peace.https://history.state.gov/milestones/1784-1800/jay-treaty
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty of Greenville
    The Treaty of Greenville concluded the hostilities between the U.S. and the Indian population of the northwest. George Washington appointed General Anthony Wayne with the task of claiming the land from the Indians. The result was an agreement between the two parties that redefined the boundaries of the Indians' settlement.
  • Pinckney Treaty

    Pinckney Treaty
    This treaty was conducted in order to resolve territorial disputes between Spain and the United States concerning the western and southern borders of the U.S. George Washington sent Thomas Pinckney to negotiate, and the lasting result was the diplomatic success for the United States. This impacted the superiority of the U.S. over the European countries.
  • Washington Farewell

    Washington Farewell
    In his farewell address, Washington wanted the United States to avoid foreign affairs, and instead, focus on expanding westward. He desired unity of the states and peace above all. Despite the farewell being completely written by Hamilton, Washington's ideas are evident. This event is important because it set the traditional limiting term of two consecutive years for presidency, while also created a lasting ideal of what government should be.
  • Election of 1796

    Election of 1796
    The Election of 1796 featured the voting of citizens for either John Adams, who was supported by the Federalists, or Thomas Jefferson, who was supported by the Republicans. The result was the victory of John Adams, who became the second president of the United States, while Thomas Jefferson became the vice president.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    After Adams was voted into office, he commissioned Pinckney, John Marshall and Elbridge Gerry to France in order negotiate peace. However, France's foreign minister demanded a loan though three agents (named X, Y, and Z by Adams) in response, and conflict ensued. http://www.history.com/news/ask-history/what-was-the-xyz-affair
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    This set of acts consisted of 4 laws that focused entirely on the imprisonment and deportation of foreigners that were considered a danger to the United States. This set of acts was signed into law by John Adams, and created a lasting effect on the Democratic-Republican party.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    Through the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which were written by James Madison and Jefferson, the freedoms of the Constitution and its amendments were protected; they opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts, instead saying that states had the right to nullify unconstitutional laws. This is important because it supported the rights and freedoms of the people.
  • Quasi War

    Quasi War
    As a result of the XYZ affair, John Adams and other Americans were insulted by France, and an undeclared war soon started. Because it was fought at sea, it was considered a success for the U.S. Navy due to its victories. Conflicts ended in the late 1800s by the Treaty of Mortefontaine.
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    This event featured the presidential election between John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr. The result of the election was the victory of Thomas Jefferson, who was closely followed by Aaron Burr. The importance of this election was the emergence of the country's third president, Thomas Jefferson.