AJ Space Race

  • NASA

    This is important because the world may have never got to experiance spaceships actually making it to the moon, if NASA wasn't founded. We might still be crashing spaceships, and fires would happen. Therefore we would have never won the space race.
  • Sputnik 1 Launch

    Sputnik 1 Launch
    On October4 1957 history was made when Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union into orbit. It was the U.S's fear that they might be able to launch nuclear missles at the U.S because at that time the cold war was still going on
  • Laika the space dog

    Laika the space dog
    Laika the dog went up into space on Sputnik 2 but died shortly after when the cabin that was carrying her caught ablaze, but also proved that human life can exit the earth's atmosphere.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    In 1961 Yuri Gagarian made history in space and in the real world by going into space as the first person ever to do this feat.
  • High Hopes

    High Hopes
    President John F. Kennedy spoke to the press that before the decade was up, he would like to have a man go up into space and walk on the moon.
  • First Woman in space

    First Woman in space
    Valentina the first woman in space made hisrory because she wanted to prove that men weren't the only ones that would be able to do this kind of work.So Valentina made history.
  • Apollo 1 fire fail

    Nasa was doing a launch test and the three pilots died in that fire and it was caused by the oxygon inside it.
  • Space Treaty

    In 1967 the U.S and the Soviet Union signed a peace treaty so that nothing got out of hand and now 97 countries are part of that treaty.
  • First living thing to Orbit the Moon

    The first thing to orbit the moon was not a dog or human it was a pair of Soviet Turtles that when they were retrieved had no scratch on them but, they lost 10% of their body fat
  • One Giant Leap For Mankind

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldridge land on space and make the famous comment, "One small step for man one giant leap for mankind."
  • Soviet Union moon landing fail

    The Soviet Unoin tried to replicate Americas feat by trying to make it to the moon with a passenger but,failed to do so beacause they crashed into the moon