airplane timeline

By 22360
  • 852 BCE


    A King attempts to fly a kite. He starts to question flying. How does it do that? Can I fly?
  • 1485

    Da Vinci Designs Planes

    Leonardo da Vinci designs a flying machine.
  • Model Glider Design

    Model Glider Design
    Bartolomeu Laurenço de Gusmao designs a model glider. A model Glider could be made of these materials; wood, Styrofoam, plastic, etc. It is a miniature plane.
  • Biplane Design

    George Cayley’s biplane design is published.
  • Biplane Gliders

    Otto Lilienthal flies biplane gliders.
  • First Powered Flight

    First Powered Flight
    Wright brothers make the first recorded powered, sustained, and controlled flight in a heavier-than-air airplane.
  • New Zealander Launches Glider

    Kiwi aviator ,George Bolt, launched a glider that he had designed and built himself from the Cashmere Hills above Christchurch.
  • First Trans-Atlantic Flight

    Charles Lindbergh completes the first solo non-stop trans-Atlantic flight.
  • Jet Engine

    Jet Engine
    British inventor Frank Whittle invents the jet engine.
  • First woman flies

    Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly a solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic ocean.
  • Airbus 350

    The Airbus 350 is a double decker plane. It is the largest plane built and can seat 555 people
  • Jetpac

    The Martin jetpack reaches 5000 feet high. The jetpack, invented by Glenn Martin, is a small flying device for one person.
  • World’s First Flying Car

    An aeroplane that can take off and land at any airport and, fold up its wings and drive on the road.
  • Electric Aircraft

    The Electric Aircraft flies over 200 MPH for first time ever.
  • Box Wing Jet

    Box Wing Jet
    Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company is making a Box Wing concept, which brings a huge decrease in fuel consumption.
  • Supersonic Green Machine

    Supersonic Green Machine
    This plane offers better efficiency with variable-cycle engines, allowing to change conventional turbofan mode during landing and takeoff.
  • First Hydrogen Powered Flight

    This plane uses hydrogen as power. This type of flight consists of the hydrogen to be cryogenically frozen.