Airanna Final Product

  • 1980s

    Time Period: The Time Period is the 1980s
    Music Style: The music style is R&B
    How did it effect culture: R&B effect culture because it encompassed the rich and varied music of the African Americans.
  • 1990's

    Time Period - The Time Period is 1900s
    Music Style - The music style is Rap
    How did it effect culture - Rap effect the culture because they were talking about life and how the commuity was back then.
  • 2000s

    Time Period: The Time Period is the 2000s
    Music Style: The music style is rap.
    How did it effect culture: Rap in the 2000s effect culture because in the early 2000s kids always look towards the past for fashion.
  • 2016

    Time Period: The time period is 2016
    Music Style: The music style is rap
    How did it effect culture: R&B effect culture because it encompassed the rich and varied folk music of the Africans Americans.