air car

  • evolutions of the air car

    evolutions of the air car
    •In 1687, Dennis Papin came up with the idea of a compressed air engine. also invented the stem engine
  • air car in france

    •In 1838, Andraud and Tessie from Motay, France, built a compressed air car which was eventually tested on a race track in July 1840. This test was a success, but the idea was not pursued any further.
  • evolutions of the air car

    •Mekarski air engines were used in trams and locomotives for public transport in 1872. The front of the engine carried a tank which could be refilled at every station.
  • evolutions of the air car

    •In 1892, Robert Hardie discovered a new method of heating the air and increasing the engine's range, which in turn helped to increase the distance that could be traveled at a stretch.
  • evolutions of the air car

    •In 1926, Lee Barton Williams from the US invented an automobile that could start on gas, but after the vehicle reached a speed of 10 mph, the gas supply got cut off and air was used to run the engine, which then could reach a speed of 62 mph.
  • evolutions of the air car

    •Terry Miller developed the 'Air Car One' in 1979. This project cost him $1500, and he sold the rights in 1983.
  • citations

    Rampur, S. (2011, September 19). Compressed Air Cars. Retrieved September 27, 2012, from