Aiesha's Australian Colonisation Timeline

  • Willem Janszoon

    Willem Janszoon
    Sailing from Bantam in 1606, Willem Janszoon was the first European to land on the Australian continent.
  • Van Deiman's Land ( Tasmania )

    Van Deiman's Land ( Tasmania )
    Van Deiman's land was originally called: Anthoonij Van Deiman's land, but now it is called: Tasmania
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution was risen up by the development of the spinning machine made by Sir Richard Arkwright in England
  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    Captain Cook discovered Australia which was originally called New Holand; he landed on Australia at Botany Bay, near Silver Beach
  • 11 Ships Of The First Fleet

    11 Ships Of The First Fleet
    The 11 ships were called: Alexander, Borrowdale, Charlotte, Fishburn, Friendship, Golden Grove, Lady Penrhyn, Prince Of Wales, Scarborough, HMS Sirius and HMS Supply
  • Captain Cook's Adventure to Sydney Cove

    Captain Cook's Adventure to Sydney Cove
    Captain Cook had roughly 100 men in his crew. The 11 ships of the First Fleet left Britan on the 13th of May 1787
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    Despite America being on the other side of the world, Australia's Colonies were affected by the American Civil War
  • Scurvy

    Scurvy is a condition that can be caused by: general weakness and having a lack of vitiman c.