Aiden & Cole's 2012 Year In Review

  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    • Lit more than 4000 beacons or signal lights
    • 60th year on the throne
    • Used lots of fireworks
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
    • Oscar attempted to win the 100 meter dash.
    • A man named jonnie won the silver mentalist in the 100 meter dash.
  • Neil Armstrong Dies

    Neil Armstrong Dies
    • First man to walk on moon
    • Died at age 82
    • Was 1 of 12 people to walk on the moon
  • Ambassador Chris killed

    Ambassador Chris killed
    • Chris was in the US envoy to Libyan rebels.
    • He was killed and respected there and came back in 2012 as the ambassador.
  • Free fall record broken

    Free fall record broken
    • He jumped 24 miles from the new Mexico desert.
    • He fell at 388 miles per hour.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    • Lit more than 4000 beacons or signal lights
    • 60th year on the throne
    • Used lots of fireworks
  • Obama Wins the Re-election

    Obama Wins the Re-election
    • Defeated Mitt Romney
    • Mitt Romney was not far behind Obama
    • Mitt Romney was 303 votes behind
  • Gangnam Style Hits The Billion

    Gangnam Style Hits The Billion
    • First video to reach 1 billion views
    • Psy won a World Record
    • Received 2 million digital thumbs up
  • THE ARTIST Wins Award

    THE ARTIST Wins Award
    • Thomas accepted his award.
    • He was thanking Billy wilder
  • Lance Armstrong

    Lance Armstrong
    • A man named mcquaid said that lance needs to be forgotten in cycling.
    • lance Armstrong lost all seven titles from France because of doping.