When was George McClellan born?
George McClellan was born on December 3rd, 1826. -
When did George McClellan graduate from West Point?
George McClellan graduated from West Point in 1846. The exact date, though, is unknown. -
When was McClellan appointed a general in the military?
George McClellan was appointed Major General of the Ohio militia on April 23, 1861. He was appointed by the Governor of Ohio. -
When was the Battle of Rich Mountain?
The Battle of Rich Mountain was fought on July 11, 1861. -
When was George McClellan removed from command?
George McClellan was removed from command on November 5, 1862 after failing to capture Richmond. -
When and how did George McClellan die?
George McClellan died on October 29, 1885 of a heart attack.