Aha Moment

  • Aha moment (trenton)

    Aha moment (trenton)
    In the courtroom Atticus asks Bob Ewell to write his name, and it turns out bob is left handed and Mayella was beaten by someone who leads with their left hand. Atticus also realised that Tom Robinson’s left hand was crippled and he could not have beaten Mayella.
    “What’s so interestin’?” he asked. ‘Your left handed, Mr.Ewell,’said judge Taylor. -TKMB ch 17
  • Aha moment (trenton)

    Aha moment (trenton)
    Another Aha moment is when they are back at the house after Bob Ewell attacked them. Scout was wondering who had carried Jem back to the house, and sees someone behind the door. She then realises that the figure was Boo and Boo had saved them.
  • Aha moment (sully)

    Aha moment (sully)
    Boo Radley has some Internal Conflict because he is still living in the house that is all broken down. He is also trying to become friends with Scout and Jem.
  • Aha moment (sully)

    Aha moment (sully)
    Jem Finch is really devastated by the Tom Robinson trial, and he is slowing not hanging out with Scout as much because Scout is hanging out with Dill.
  • Ahha Moment (zach)

    Ahha Moment (zach)
    When Tom Robinson was giving his testomony, Scout realized Mayella must be a very lonely person and must be very sad becuase of how lonely she was. Scout concluded that Tom was the only person who had been nice to her. This is an Aha Moment for Scout because she realizes how Mayella feels. Page 256-257
  • Aha Moment (zach)

    Aha Moment (zach)
    As Atticus asked Tom questions, Scout realized that in a way Tom's manners are as good as Atticus's. Until Atticus explained Tom's situation to Scout she didn't know the subtlety of Tom's situation. This is an Aha Moment for Scout because Scout realizes that Tom has good manners too, even thought he is a different color. Page 260