All about me

By shalom
  • October 15th 2001

     October 15th 2001
    Shalom was born on October 15th 2001 in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
  • October 15th 2002

    October 15th 2002
    October 15th 2002 I was celebrating my 1st birthday.
  • January 2003

    January 2003
    in the month of January of the year 2003 was when I started walking.
  • April of the year 2003

    April of the year 2003
    This photo is from the month of April of the year 2003. Here is when I walked well
  • Jully 2011

    Jully 2011
    this was the year 2011 in the month of July, that's when he went to fifth grade of primary school.
  • jully 2016

    jully 2016
    from here we jump 5 years later until 2016. I had just finished high school.
  • October 15th 2018

    October 15th 2018
    and the latter is from 1 month ago when I turned years.
    We are in 2018, I am in high school and trying to fulfill my dreams.
    and this is for the moment.