The Arrivals "But he knew from observing her himself, that she was steely."(Moore 106) coldly determined; hard -
The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore "It was depressing to him, to think of his father and his surreptitious ice-cream cones." (Moore 143) kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of. -
The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore
"Stephen was a notorious night owl, always had been."
Famous or well-known, typically for some bad quality or deed. -
The Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore
"There were times after Olivia had become such a precocious talker, after Philip was born, that he had longed for just this type of silence"(Moore 259)
(of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual. -
Before I fall by Lauren Oliver
"Lindsay leans on the horn, even though it's obvious Sarah was here before us, then presses her foot on the accelerator"(Oliver 19)
the device, typically a pedal, that controls the speed of a vehicle's engine -
Before I fall by Lauren Oliver
"I feel creeping up my neck and know my skin's probably going red and splotchy" (Oliver 14)
An irregularly shaped spot, stain, or colored area.