194,000 BCE
Period: 194,000 BCE to 5000 BCE
Hunter Gatherer Period
11,000 BCE
8700 BCE
Corn was being domesticated in the Americas
7000 BCE
Rice was being domesticated in Asia
7000 BCE
Irrigation systems implemented
6000 BCE
Most farm animals have been domesticated
5000 BCE
Potato cultivation
3500 BCE
Squash and Beans cultivated in Central America
300 BCE
Grafting was invented
Period: 1492 to
Old World - New World Collision
Colonization brought about a global mixing of plants, animals, and disease − the "Columbian Exchange." Carnage and epidemic brought farming to a low in the Americas, and atmospheric CO2 dipped around 1610, as forests regrew. Source: www.nature.com/nature/journal/… -
Period: 1543 to
Scientific Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Cotton Gin was invented
Invention of Iron Plow
Seed Planter was invented
Invention of Grain Reaper
Steel Plow was Invented
Commercial corn and wheat belts were formed
Invention of Corn Picker
USDA was born
New discoveries about genetic traits and inheritance
Slavery is Abolished
Invention of Milk Machine
Perishable Food Perservation
Invention of the Tractor
Synthetic fertilizers were invented
Hybridization of corn and other crops on the market
Food Stamp Program Implemented
First Plant Genome Sequenced
The billionth acre of genetically modified crops is planted
CRISPR is discovered, changing the gene editing landscape