3500 BCE
The Wheel
the first wheel was not invented for transportation but instead they were created it as a potter wheel -
3000 BCE
Scratch Plow
The first farmers to plant seeds dug their holes with a stick but approximately 5000 years ago they upgraded to a scratch plow -
1000 BCE
High Yield Varieties
high yield varieties is the replacement of native crops that had low yields with crops -
800 BCE
"Acres" is an old meaning of a field. the acre was originally define as the area that could be plowed in a day -
300 BCE
Horse Collar
this was invented a long time ago in china for horses to pull the plows -
To crops to trading areas faster and easier -
The opening of the grassland in north America for framing was between 1840 to 1915 -
is a mill that converts energy with wind into rotation energy -
Tractor Engines
were invented to power the tractor to make farming easier and faster -
Feild Tools
The stem-powered thresher was invented I the 1918's to harvest crops -
Land Expansion
The last major agricultural expansion was the virgin lands scheme in the Soviet Union between 1953 to 1964 -
GMOs are in most of our food they are taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to obtain a desired trait or characteristic.