
Aggressive Acts Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles Signing

    Treaty of Versailles Signing
    At the end of WWI, the Treaty was signed to ensure that there would be no future wars. This obviously did not work. The treaty was very hard on the Germans, some of the consequences included making them pay for the damages, and giving up their won colonies.
  • Takeover of Rhineland

    Takeover of Rhineland
    On March 07, 1936, German troops invaded Rhineland, even though this movement was entirely against the Treaty of Versailles which Germany had agreed to follow. This area was being used by the French to be prepared in case Germany invaded again. Hitler told them that when he occupied this area, it was not for military reasons, he just believed that it should be returned to Germany. Britain and France agreed and returned the area to Germany. He also managed to get them to return SAAR to Germany.
  • Austrian Union/Anschluss

    Austrian Union/Anschluss
    Austrians felt that they had a connection with Germany as many could speak German, so when Hitler stated he wanted to unite Austria and Germany, Austrians were thrilled. By doing this, Hitler achieved a stronger and larger Germany, which he strived for. He kept them in mind, saying that he would take care of them and rebuild their nation. He did not make any territorial demands and had no aim on starting a war.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    To avoid war, the British and French, along with Benito Mussolini of Italy, signed the Munich Pact. This allowed Germany to take over the region of Sudetenland, as long as Hitler agreeded to stop there.
  • Invasion of Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia
    When Hitler came into power, he wanted to join all Germans, including those on living in Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia. In September of 1938, he switched his attention to them.
  • Policy of Appeasement

    Policy of Appeasement
    The Policy of Appeasement was like a law that states that Hitler was given land and he would be happy with what he was given and he would not ask for more than what he was given, and hopefully distill any future wars. The Allies, such as Britain, France, etc. could not withstand the consequences of another war at the present time, so they thought it was best to make Hitler happy. Yet again, he promised that he had no demands that would result in a war.
  • NAZI-SOVIET Pact/ Non-Aggression Pact

    NAZI-SOVIET Pact/ Non-Aggression Pact
    This agreement was made between Germany and Russia that in the event of war, they would not fight each other. This eliminated a 2 front war for Germany, which is a lesson that Hitler learned from WWI. To take Poland, this agreement was made and Russia would reap the benefits of Germanys' invasion on Poland. The deal was made to spilt Poland and each of them would get half; Germany getting the West and Russia the East.
  • Germany invades Poland and the Start of WWII!

    Germany invades Poland and the Start of WWII!
    On this day, Hitler advances towards Poland which causes the allied forces to declare war, although Italy did not declare war because they were supporters of Hitler.