Aggression in Europe and Asia, 1930-1939 Timeline

By 19Ajobe
  • Period: to

    Aggression in Europe and Asia, 1930-1939 Timeline

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria because ot felt that the Empire of Japan should be of he same size as all the western powers. It took Manchuria and did not leave until they were forced out.
  • Italy attacks Ethiopia

    Italy attacks Ethiopia
    Ethiopia and Italy dispute over a border. At this time Mussuloni invades Ethiopia.
  • Germany occupies Rhineland

    Germany occupies Rhineland
    Hitler thought that his borders were not secure so he sent troops to go and occupy Rhineland to ensure that his borders would not be disturbed.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    When Japn invaded China, there was a suprising amount of opposition. Japan catured many of China's large cities ad took ove the poeple who occupied them.
  • Germany annexes Austria

    Germany annexes Austria
    Austrian Nazis tried for the second time to seize the Austrian Government. Their goal was to combine Austria with Nazi Germany.
  • Germany takes Sudetenland

    Germany takes Sudetenland
    When Sudetenland was taken into National Socialist Germany, it left many of the other countries weak and it became powerless. They were no longer able to resist the pull of Germany.
  • Germany seizes Czechoslovakia

    Germany seizes Czechoslovakia
    By early 1939, two borders were already occupied by Poland. Hitler had planned to take the country with a lightning fast military strike and pull it under his control.
  • Italy conquers Albania

    This was a brief military compain that would end up being one of Mussulonis greatest failures concerning Albania.