Aggression in Europe and Asia, 1930-1939 Timeline

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Japan invades Manchuria Japan invades Manchuria because they needed oil, rubber, and lumber, the resources they need in Japan were short and had to find a way to get them. China heard about Japan invading Manchuria and immediatly plead to the League of Nations for them so they could do what it takes for Japan to leave.
  • Italy attacks Ethiopia

    Italy attacks Ethiopia
    Italy attacks Ehtiopia
    The Italian needed to boost their national prestige which was ruined before by Ethiopia's defeat of the Italian forces in the 19th century. Also, Italian and Abyssinian troops met before in an incident that happened which caused the Italians to be angy and want revenge.
  • Germany occupies Rhineland

    Germany occupies Rhineland
    Germany occupies Rhineland
    This was directly against the Treaty of Versailles and this was Hitler's first illegeal act in foreign relations. The Rhineland was to be de-militarised which was that no German troops were to b stationed inside that area.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    Japan invades China.
    Japan was determind to find the vast natural resources to be found in China, they invaded Manchuria. The Chinese suffered continued territorial encroachment from the Japanese,
  • Germany annexes Austria

    Germany annexes Austria
    Germany annexes Austria
    The German troops marched into Austria to annex the German speaking nation for a third Reich. The Austrian Nazis wanted to unite their nation with Nazi Germany by force.
  • Germany takes Sudetenland

    Germany takes Sudetenland
    Germany takes Sudetenland.
    Germany decides to take Sudetenland with the thought that this would move towards the invasion of Czechsolovakia and the World War 2. Sudetenland was mostly made up of ethnic Germans and Hitler gained the territory by proclaiming himself a champion of these citizens.
  • Germany seizes Czechoslovakia

    Germany seizes Czechoslovakia
    Germany seizes Czechoslovakia.
    Hitler's forces invade and occupy Czechoslovakia a nation sacrificed on the altar of the Munich Pact, which was a vain attemt to prevent Germany's imperial aims. Adolf Hitler signing the Munich Pact allowed Germany to claim Czechoslovakia.
  • Italy conquers Albania.

    Italy conquers Albania.
    Italy conquers Albania.
    Albania was already dependent on Italy's economy, so the had little to offer to the Italians. Italy wanted to mimic Hitler's conquest of Prague, Benito Mussolini's troops to invade and occupy Albania.