
Aggression in Europe and Asia 1930-1939

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades  Manchuria
    The Japanese controlled the Manchurian railway, they claimed that the Cinese had sabotaged the railway so they went there for revenge.
  • Italy attacks Ethiopia

    Italy attacks Ethiopia
    Benito Mussolini, the leader of Italy, had decided to expand territories by acquiring all territories they considered Italian, much like Hitler.
  • Germany occupies Rhineland

    Germany occupies Rhineland
    Germany was forced to sign the treaty of Versailles in July 1919. To show displeasure at having to sign the treaty they broke the treaty and attcked Rhineland.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    It was the largest war of the 20th century, the countries had fought since 1931, but a full scale war started in 1937 and ended with the surrender of Japan. This started with Japanese imperialist policy which aimed to dominate China for their products.
  • Germany annexes Austria

    Germany annexes Austria
    Austrian Nazis attempted to seize the Austrian government by force and unite their nation with Nazy Germany. This was their second attempt in four years.
  • Germany takes Sudetenland

    Germany takes Sudetenland
    Nazi Germany, Great Britain, France, and, Italy signed an agreemet that allowed Germany to annex Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia. The Germans thought Czechoslovakia was plotting against them.
  • Germany seizes Czechoslovakia

    Germany seizes Czechoslovakia
    French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact. This pact gave Czechoslovakia to Germany in the name of peace.
  • Italy conquers Albania

    Italy conquers Albania
    Italy conquered Albania easily and once conquered italy created the Albanian kingdom.