Japan invades Manchuria
The Japenese controlled the Manchurian railway, and they clamed that the chinese had ruined the railway so they went for revenge. -
Italy Attacks Ethiopia
Benito Mussolini, the leader if italy had decided to expand territories by taking over all territories they considered itialian. -
Germany occupies Rhineland
Germany was forced to sign the treaty of Versailles in july 1919. To show displeasure at having to sign the treaty, they attacked Rhineland. -
Japan invades China
It was the largest war of the 20th century, the countries had fought since 1931, but a full scale war started with a full swurender of the Japenese. -
Germany annexes Austria
Aunstrian Nazis attepted to seize the austran government by force and unite their nation with Nazi germany. -
Germany takes Sudetenland
Nazi Germany, Great Britain, France, And italy signed an agreement that allowed Germany to annex Sudetenland which was part of czechoslovakia. -
Germany Seizes Czechoslovakia
French Premier Edouard Daladier and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain dighned the Munich pact. -
Italy Conquers Albania
Italy conquered Albania Easily and once conquered Italy created the Albainian Kingdom.