age of revolutions

By dcrespo
  • Process of Unification

  • Period: to

    Crisis of the Ancien Regime

    The Old Regime had a lot of problems because of it´s strict social class system. Some members of the first and second estates did´t pay taxes, so just the thrid state pay taxes.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    Conflict from 1765 to 1783, involve political and military actions where 13 north American colonies opposed and resested Britains continious control.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Between 1780 and 1790s an essential movement in world history happened, leading to the rise of Napoleon. During this time French citizens went through significant political change removing long stablished institutions like the monarchy and the feudal system that had been implaced for centuries.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    During the French Revolution, a significant event happened leding to various problems in society, the economy and politics. The outcome was marked by violence and unrest.
  • Period: to

    Europe under Napoleon

    Known for:
    Control over other European powers.
    Continental System = economic blockade.
    Great victories and campaigns.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    After Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon tried to stop British exports to Europe. Great Britain was able to trade because of its resources and could blocked French shipping so Continental System didn´t affect Great Britain.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    It was an invation of Portugal because it was England´s old ally and didn´t respect the economic blockade.
  • Spanish War of Independence

    Spanish War of Independence
    At first the Spanish forces won some victories such as the Battle of Bailen. Most of Spain was freed from the French rule and Joseph I moved to the north. But when Napoleon himself came to Spain with 300000 soldiers the French occupation became almost complete.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    British Army fought a war in the Iberian Peninsula against the invading forces of Napoleon's France. Aided by their Spanish and Portuguese allies, the British held off superior French numbers before winning a series of victories and driving them out.
  • Mutiny of Aranjuez

    Mutiny of Aranjuez
    Aranjuez´s inhabitants realised the monarch tried to run away so they revolved.
    Charles IV under pressure dimissed Godoy and abdicated in favour Ferdinant VII.
    Later known that French and pro-Ferdinant agents had led the people against Godoy and the monarchs.
  • Uprising of Madrid

    Uprising of Madrid
    Members of the royal family prepared to leave Madrid. People made a popular revolt against the French guards (Plaza de Oriente, Madrid).
    In response, the French army and the Mamelukes attacked the popular uprising.
  • Independencies of the Spanish America

    Independencies of the Spanish America
    1-Paraguay (1811)
    2- After the Peninsular war:
    - Jose de San Martin: Argentina (1816) & Chile (1818)
    - Simon Bolivard: Colombia (1819), Venezuela (1821) & Ecuador (1822).
    This territories (+Panama) = Gran Colombia (dissolved 1830)
    3- Mexico (1821)
    1824- Battle of Ayacucho (Peru) = defeat of the Spanish armies.
  • Great victories and campaigns

    Great victories and campaigns
    The Battle of the Thames, the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, the Battle of Put-in Bay and the Battle of Baltimore
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The Coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia, led by Tsar Alexander I and Karl von Schwarzenberg, decisively defeated the Grande Armée of French Emperor Napoleon I.
  • Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars
    Series of wars that ranged France against shifting alliances of European powers. Originally an attempt to maintain French strength established by the French Revolutionary Wars, they became efforts by Napoleon to affirm his supremacy in the balance of European power.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Was a meeting of European nations that set out a strategy to maintain peace and stability throughout the continent.
  • German Confederation

    German Confederation
    Germany fas full of a lot of different states = 39 states joined together. The congress of vienna established, Austria as the dominant state in Germany. (Prussia is getting bigger and stronger)
  • Period: to

    Holly Alliance

    To rule in a spirit of Christian charity and to
    assist each other in times of trouble
  • Period: to

    German Unification

  • Agricultural Disaster

    Agricultural Disaster
    The eruption of Mount Tambora happened directly after the end of the Napoleonic Wars which left continental Europe in destruction. As a result, Europe was hit especially hard by the 1816 Year without a Summer as temperatures decreased and precipitation increased.
  • The Panic

    The Panic
    Was the first major economic crisis in U.S. history. It resulted in widespread bank failures, mortgage foreclosures, unemployment and price drops. There were many reasons for the crisis, but the primary cause was irresponsible banking practices, led by the Second Bank of the United States. Consequently this panic bred a suspicion of nationalized banking and set the trend for future economic downturns.
  • War of Greek Independence

    War of Greek Independence
    Was a successful war fought by Greeks to gain independence from the Ottoman Empire. The fight for revolutionary nationalistic in Europe sparked a fight for independence among the Greeks.
  • Revolutions of 1830´s

    Revolutions of 1830´s
    France. new dinasty
    Belgium: independent
    Greece: independent
    Spain: attempt failled
  • First Carlist War

    First Carlist War
    Isabelinos (=Isabella II) - liberals: moderates & radicals.
    Carlistas (=don Carlos)- deeply absolutists: deeply catholic & continuance of traditional rights (fueros)
  • Zollverien

    Unification of the states of Germany, but NO in a political way, just in custom union and it was the first agreement of this king in Europe (Austria is putten aside)
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabella II

    Moderate decade (1844-54):
    - Figure: General Narváez
    - Constitution (1845)
    - Concordat with the Holy See (1851)
    Progressive Biennium (1854-56):
    - Figure: General Prim
    - Constitution (1837)-restored
    - Disentailments by Madoz+Railway Law
    Government of the liberal union & final crisis (1856-68):
  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolutions of 1848
    European natiosn swept by simultaneous revolutions (not GB).
    Included social and democratic demands.
    The revolutions generally failed = introduce reforms.
  • 1848´s revolutions

    1848´s revolutions
    European nations swept by a series of revolutions (except GB)
    Include social and democratic demands
    Revolutions failed = government introduce reforms
    Nationalism strenght its positions and became more important (the springtime of peoples)
  • Frankfurt Parliament

    Frankfurt Parliament
    A Pan- Germán Parliament. Planed a constitutional monarchy but failed. Even thow this happened Wilhelm did not accept this because he was liberal.
  • Process of Italian Unification

    Process of Italian Unification
    Piedmont-Sardinia, using political/military actions 1848 Victor Emmanuel II initiated the adoption of a liberal constitution. Count di Cavour, nationalist Prime Minister, improve Italy's political influence
  • Period: to

    Italian Unification

    Congress of Vienna divided Italy:
    - Lombardy and Venetia (Austria)
    - Kingdom of the two Sicilies (Branch os Spanish Bourbon family)
    - Kingdom of Piedmon-Sardinia (most powerful city-sate
    - Other territories independent states
  • War VS Austria

    War VS Austria
    War against Austria saw France as an ally= Piedmont-Sardinia gaining Lombardy, Austria (Venetia) and France (Savoy/Nice)
  • 186...

    • 186..., Plebiscites held across Italy (Tuscany, Parma, and Modena)=Victor Emmanuel II king of the unified territories.
    • 1866, The Second War against Austria in resulted in Italy gaining Venetia
    • 1870, Rome occupied by Italian army=capital of the unified nation. Pope=prisoner in the Vatican. = Italy united country with Victor Emmanuel II
  • Cavour supports...

    Cavour supports...
    Cavour support Giuseppe Garibaldi (Red Shirt Army) conquered Two Sicilies/Naples
    =a meeting between Garibaldi/Victor Emmanuel II (Naples)=join forces.
  • Scheswig Wars

    Scheswig Wars
    Prussia and Austria against Denmark. Fight on the pretense of liberating groups of ethnic Germans under Danish control. (Schleswig- administered by Prussia) (Holistein- administrated by Austria
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    Lasted for 7 weeks. Prussia against Holistein (Prussia).
    Prussia was getting stronger = won the war
  • North German Confederation

    North German Confederation
    After Austro - Prussian wars Prussia won Holstein and formed this Confederation. It was predominantly Catholic. The Southern German states had sided with Austria.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Military uprising=Isabelle II abdicate and exile in France
    Causes: excesive government´s conservatism/authoritarianism, and economic crisis= pronunciamiento "La Gloriosa" (General Serrano/General Prim)
    Constitution of 1869: declaration of rights, universal male suffrage, monarchy state and Cuba´s autonomy movement appears
    New king of Spain: Amadeo I of Savoy (1971-73)
    Main supportter (General Prim) assassinated
    Third Carlist War
    War in Cuba
  • Franco - Prussian War

    Franco - Prussian War
    The technology and organization of Germany and the inner problems of France caused the Siege of Paris (defeated by Prussia in the battle of Sedanc 1870)
  • Proclamation of German Empire

    Proclamation of German Empire
    It was also know as the Second Reich. After the three wars of the German Unification. It was a very conservative parliamentary system.