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Age of Revolution

By XoCici
  • TheAmerican revolution

    TheAmerican revolution
    In 1765 Daniel Dulany wrote that “It is an essential principle of the English constitution, that the subject shall not be taxed without his consent.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    1776, independence, for the first time became part the popular meeting throughout the colonies approved resolution in support of independence.
  • British Defeat

    British Defeat
    capture of another army left British without new strategy and without public support to continue the war. Peace negotiations took place in France the war came to an official end in 1783
  • British Defeat

    British Defeat
    In 1778 The British shifted their attention to the south. They believed they enjoyed more popular support campaigns from Virginia to Georgia
  • British Defeat

    British Defeat
    By 1781 the British were also fighting France, Spain and Holland. British public support the Cosby war in North America waned. American took advantage of British
  • American Revolution influence on France

    American Revolution influence on France
    Enconomically exhausted by borrowing to pay for the war using all its credit. Created the financial disaster was marked the 1780
  • Citizenship and other rights

    Citizenship and other rights
    1790 Naturalization Act Defined citizenship stark racial terms. To be citizens of the U.S.
  • Slavery and Equality

    Slavery and Equality
    Congress would have the power to ban the importantion of slaves. Not Until at least 20 years had passed in 1808