Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign🟩

    Italian Campaign🟩
    April 20, 1792 - February 9, 1801
    During the Italian campaign Napoleon captured most of Northern Italy for France. Other countries viewed France with much more respect now because of this victory. This event was successful because it showed the type of leader he could be.
  • Egyptian Campaign🟨

    Egyptian Campaign🟨
    July 1, 1798 - 1801
    The Egyptian Campaign started as a way of showing and defending trade interests in France. After the French attacked Egypt and Syria, the troops lacked soldiers and this caused a defeat for Napoleon. However, he did receive a lot of attention and publicity for the fight.
  • Consulate🟩

    The Consulate consisted of three men with government power. Napoleon got the title of First Consul of the Consulate for helping overthrow a power-deprived Directory. This was the beginning of his rise to power.
  • Banque de France🟨

    Banque de France🟨
    This was a banking system created by Napoleon to regain trust in the French economy. It started out pretty successful, but did not last very long.
  • Concordat of 1801🟩

    Concordat of 1801🟩
    Napoleon was trying to think of a good plan to gain peace with the Catholic Church. He figured that getting peace with them would increase his social status, which was one of the best outcomes. The Catholic Church agreed to his plan, which kept them under the states' ruling.
  • Consul for life🟩

    Consul for life🟩
    Napoleon gave himself the title "Consul" in 1799. Later, in 1802, he called himself "Consul for life" because he created a new type of constitution that gave his son permission to rule.
  • Napoleonic Code🟨

    Napoleonic Code🟨
    The purpose of the Napoleonic Code was to improve the code to reflect the laws provided by the French Revolution so rules could become adapted. This was a success because there was equality and opportunity for men. The only major downside to the code was the fact that it restricted rights from women during the Revolution.
  • Declared self emperor🟨

    Declared self emperor🟨
    In December of 1802, Napoleon decided to declare himself emperor. He wanted to be an emperor rather than a king because he felt that emperors made more of a memorable impact than kings did. The pope travelled many miles to crown him, but Napoleon behaved very disrespectfully throughout the coronation. He took the crown out of the pope's hands and placed it on his own head to show that he was better than the pope. (This is colored yellow in the view that he was disrespecting the pope).
  • Battle of Trafalgar🟥

    Battle of Trafalgar🟥
    The Spanish and French naval forces fought against the British Royal Navy close to Cape Trafalgar. This was a failure for Napoleon because the British pulled fast ahead and defeated the Spanish and French.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟩

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟩
    Napoleon successfully established the Confederation of the Rhine in an effort to overthrow the Holy Roman Empire. This gave him more power and authority.
  • Continental System🟥

    Continental System🟥
    November 21, 1806 - April 11, 1814
    Trade networks were under the Continental System's authority. The Continental System shut off ports that were carrying British products, preventing any imports or exports from Britain. There were issues between the nations as a result of this trade conflict. Britain and France were both suspected of doing illegal trade with Britain in secret. Battles between American and British ships also broke out. Napoleon's strategy fell short of defeating Britain.
  • Resistance in Spain🟥

    Resistance in Spain🟥
    The Resistance in Spain was a battle between Spain, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. Spain gained power and control over France, leading to another defeat for France.
  • Invasion of Russia🟥

    Invasion of Russia🟥
    June 24, 1812 - December 14, 1812
    Napoleon decided it would be a good idea to invade Russia, which would ultimately be the beginning of the end for him. The tsar did not support Napoleon's Continental System any more which was the reason he invaded Russia. However, the attack did not last long because Napoleon noticed the lack of food and survival supplies to make it through Russia's bleak winter.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🟥

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🟥
    October 16, 1813 - October 19, 1813
    Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia were all active in this battle. The French were clearly defeated when Tsar Alexander I led the armies of other nations against them. Napoleon's armies overestimated their opponents, were outnumbered, and lacked organization.
  • Hundred Days🟩

    Hundred Days🟩
    March 20, 1815 - July 8, 1815
    The Hundred Days were the hundred days between France did not have a ruler and Napoleon's exile. The people realized how life was like without a ruler and started to miss him. They eventually started liking Napoleon again.
  • Waterloo🟥

    Napoleon's army was confronted by British soldiers in Belgium close to Waterloo. In a bloody day-long combat, the Prussian army and British forces outnumbered the French. After suffering yet another setback, Napoleon made the decision to flee to a remote island in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.
  • Abdication🟥

    After losing his position of authority, Napoleon is exiled to the Mediterranean island of Elba. Napoleon experienced yet another setback in that he lost his ability to rule and was rejected outside of his own country.