European trade with Africa becomes well established
The industrial revolution started with the European interest in raw materials in Africa. Trade began to strart when Dr. Livingston went to the Congo, where he found copper, tin, gold, diamonds, and rubber. -
East India Company collapses due to Sepoy Rebellion; British Raj begins
The Sepoy rebellion began by when the speoys thought their gun cartridges were covered in beef and pork fat, which is against their beliefs. The sepoys didn't accept them, so the British jailed the disobeyers. The following day, the sepoys rebelled. The rebellion started ro spread. The East India Company took over a year to regain control over the country. They brought in British soldiers and eventually put down the sepoys. From then on, the British rule over India would be known as the Raj. -
Suez Canal links the Mediterranean and Red Seas
The Suez Canal was built by Isma'il, grandson of Muhammad Ali. Muhammad began to start to modernize egypt, and his grandson continued it by building the canal. -
Berlin Conference convenes to discuss terms for African colonization
The competition for colonizing Africa between the European nations was so fierce, they faced war among themselves. To prevent this, fourteen European nations met to divide Africa evenly. This meeting is known as the Berlin Conference. -
Queen Liliuokalani takes the throne of Hawaii
When Queen Liliuokalani took the throne of Hawaii, she wanted to create a new constitution that would give her more power. It would also restore political power of Hawaiians from wealthy owners. American business men however tried to prevent this, and eventually she was overthrown. -
Ethiopians defeat the invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa
When Menelik ll thought there was a flaw in th Treaty he had signed with the Italians, the Italians denied it. Meanwhile, Italian forces were advancing into northern Ethiopia.Menelik decalred war, and in the battle o Adowa, he succesfully defeated Italy. -
Spanish-American War breaks out; Puerto Rico, Spain, and the Philippines taken from Spain
The Spanish-American war was a result of the American intervention with the Cuban War of Independance. The attacks of the Americains on Spain land led to the Philipppine Revolutions and the Philppine-American War. -
Boer War in South Africa
The Boer War was between the Boers and the British. The Boers began to fight the British when a rebellion against the Boers failed. The Boers used guerilla tactics on the British, but the Brittish fought back by burning Boer farms and keeing women and children in concentration camps. -
Most of Africa is under European control
Most of Africa was under European control as a result of the Berlin Conference. Africa was split up into different regions by 14 different European countries for their own benefits.