Age of Exploration

  • 1341

    The First Expedition

    The First Expedition
    Portugal was the first to launch exploratory expeditions. They landed in India after multiple attempts.
  • Period: 1341 to

    Age of Exploration

  • 1421

    Prince Henry Journey around Africa to Asia

    Prince Henry Journey around Africa to Asia
    Prince Henry from Portugal commissions a journey around what they call Africa’s “Cape of Good Hope” in order to reach Asia. They began journey takes multiple attempts before they finally reached India.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus’s Voyage

    Christopher Columbus’s Voyage
    Christopher Columbus from Spain went on a voyage in search for the East Indies. He instead discovered the Caribbean.
  • 1497

    Foundation of Canada and New England

    Foundation of Canada and New England
    Great Britain sought a Western route to Asia for trade but instead, John Cabot founded Canada and New England
  • 1508

    The Foundation of Puerto Rico and “La Florida”

    The Foundation of Puerto Rico and “La Florida”
    Juan Ponce de Leon explored and claimed Puerto Rico and “La Florida” for Spain.
  • 1511

    Portugal Colonies in South America

    Portugal Colonies in South America
    Portugal lead mission to South America. They began to establish colonies there once they reached it.
  • 1534

    France Joins the Expedition Race

    France Joins the Expedition Race
    France join the race later than the others, but explored North America at great lengths
  • 1566

    Spain Send Voyages to Caribbean

    Spain Send Voyages to Caribbean
    Spain began to send voyages regularly in order to acquire gold and silver from the Caribbean to stimulate the Spanish economy
  • Great Britain Colonies in Eastern North America

    Great Britain Colonies in Eastern North America
    Great Britain began establishing colonies in eastern North America in locations such as Roanoke, Jamestown, and others.
  • France Founds Cities in Canada

    France Founds Cities in Canada
    France begin to found cities in Canada after landing their like Quebec, Trois-Rivières, and Montreal