Portugal launches exploration expedition
Portugal sends a ship around Africas “Cape of Good Hope“ to Asia, where they establish trading posts and forts. -
Period: 1341 to
Age of Exploration
Spain Sends Christopher Columbus on a quest to find the East Indies.
Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean, he thought he was in Asia, when they realized where they were, Spain began to send regular voyages to collect gold. -
The race of exploration
The French, English, and Dutch began to compete for land and to see who can discover the most of the America. -
Britain discovers Canada and New England
Great Britain sends John Cabot to find a western route to Asia, instead he landed in the Americas where Britain would establish the thirteen colonies. -
The first circumnavigation of the globe
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan opened a route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, which would later be the route for the first circumnavigation of the globe. -
Francisco Pizarro discovers the Incas
Francisco Pizarro the conquester of Spain discovers and defeats the Incas while exploring western South America. -
France starts their exploration
They would claim most of Canada, and found cities such as Detroit, St Louis, and New Orleans.