Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
A group of assassinations, and lots of Catholic mob violence aimed at the Hugenots during the French Wars of Religion. The people involved in this were the Hugenots, or the French Protestants vs. Henry IV and the Catholics. The effect of this event was the resumption of religous civil war in France. -
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes was a famous philosopher who belived that every person was naturally greedy and selfish and could not be trusted. This resulted in everyone signing a social contract that they would give up their freedom to live in an organized society. -
Spanish Armada
Spain lost in battle and never recovered as a country. The people who were involved in this were the Spanish and the British. The effect of this was that it ended the era of boarding and close-quarter fighting. -
The Edict of Nantes.
Henri IVs major achivement, this ensured that the coexistance of the Protastants and Catholics was peacful and stopped the civil war. -
John Locke
A famous philosopher who believed that not all people were bad and that everyone had Natural Rights- Life, Liberty, Property. Therefore, he believed the government’s main job was to protect citizens natural rights. If violated people could overthrow government. -
Civil War
Started because their was conflict between Charles I and the parliment. It was settled with Oliver Cromwells parliment winning in which he then took over and ruled. This war was between England and Dutch. After this war Charles Stuart was beheaded. -
Peter The Great
Peter The Great was a great man who westernized Russia to be more like Western Eaurope, and changed Russia's capital city to St. Petersburg. He also took control of the taxes and the Church and was the man who esatblished the Russian Orthodox Church. -
Costly Wars
England and the Dutch unite against King Louis XIV in war. It ended in Huguenots being persecuted. -
English Bill of Rights.
This was passed by the Parliment of Great Britian saying that the rights and liberties were given to anyone who succedes William and Mary. This effected them because it established the limited monarchy. -
Wrote about how horrible human slavery was and how it needed to be ended and that all people deserved religious freedom and freedom of speech. Because of his beliefs, he was sentenced to exile and wrote more about freedom of speech. -
Revolutionary War
In this war America won indapendence against England. An effect of this was Elizabeth I died during this war with no heirs. -
Austria and Prussia War
Was a thirty year war between the Hapsburg Catholics and the German Protestants. After this the HRE was split into two countries Austria and Prussia. Austria was Catholic and the power of noblity was decreased. Prussia was Protestant and Catholic and Frederick William II took over for his father. -
Reagan and Maddie Finish Timeline :D
After countless hours of note taking, account making, and timeline creating, we are ready to unveil our masterpiece.