6 Year Old
My daughter was very proud of her accomplishments and talents, and wanted to show me all her artwork afterschool. But she began to show that she wanted a little more independence. For example she expressed what she did or did not like about the clothes she was trying on. -
7 year old
I feel that girls especially that this is a time of fragile self-esteem issues can happen, so I would be as encouraging as I could be. My daughter started early on that she would self-criticise and stress over what her final homework would look like. I had to learn to be more patitient and keep and eye out for unsual emotions. My daughter from an early age loved to read and I took advantage of this, by asking questions about the book. -
8 Year Old
Althought I did not see a large change from 1st grade until know in my daughters motor skills, I did see changes in her social and thinking skills -
9 year Old
At 9 my daughter showed not only more independence and she began being a social butterfly like sleep overs and going to a friends home. She at this point picked out her own clothes and had chore list of things she would be responsible to completing. -
10 Year Old
Pre Adolescent is a time that I willnot forget. This stage came with school being a little more challanging. Her interest in wanting to play soccer on a team, she had more friends, she did not watch as many cartoons and it was the start of mood swings. -
11 Year Old
The tween years, I tried very hard not to “mother” her in front of her friends. She still needed parenting, but self-image and being stressed about her public image was a big factor. No longer could i go to Walmart to buy clothes, but rather she wanted name brand clothes and shoes. -
12 Year Old
Nothing in life can prepared me for being a parent of a 12 year old. My daughter went from acting like she was 6 again and the next minute acting like she was 18, being irresponsible and responsible, testing pushing all my buttons not coming home on time and then depending on me or her step dad to pick her and her friends up from the mall.