After High School

By roro107
  • First Dorm Room

    First Dorm Room
    Decorated my first dorm room with my mom and two younger sisters. It was a small little suite at Helaman Halls at BYU. Lived there a semester with my wonderful roommate, Megan <3
  • First Day as a Missionary

    First Day as a Missionary
    This is the day I entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT. It was the first day I put my nametag on. I met my first companion, Sister Binns.
  • Last Day in Cambodia

    Last Day in Cambodia
    This was my last day as a missionary in Cambodia. I was serving in the province of Battombang and this was a wonderful family I had grown to love.
  • Wedding Day

    Wedding Day
    I married my best friend this day, Austin Jennings Yager.