black american dream

  • 1492

    discovery of america

    discovery of america
  • first mention of African slaves in the English colonies

    first mention of African slaves in the English colonies
    the first blacks tread the American soil, disembarked from a Dutch ship, to work in the plantations of virginia alongside white servants from Europe.
  • Vermont abolishes slavery

    Vermont abolishes slavery
    In 1777, slavery was banned in the following northern states: Vermont.
  • Pennsylvania abolishes slavery

    Pennsylvania abolishes slavery
    Pennsylvania passes a law of gradual abolition of slavery.
  • Massachusetts abolishes slavery

    Massachusetts abolishes slavery
    in 1783, Massachusetts abolished slavery, while New York slaves were gradually liberated by their masters
  • abolition of trafficking in the United States

    abolition of trafficking in the United States
    Prohibition of the slave trade by the United States
  • begening of Civil War

    begening of Civil War
    a civil war between 1861 and 1865 between the United States of America, led by Abraham Lincoln, led by Jefferson Davis
  • end of Civil War

    end of Civil War
    a civil war between 1861 and 1865 between the United States of America, led by Abraham Lincoln, led by Jefferson Davis
  • abolition of slavery in the United States

    abolition of slavery in the United States
    On January 31, 1865, as victory nears and the South, ruined and defeated, is no longer in a position to negotiate anything, Lincoln can finally present it to the vote of the House of Representatives. He obtains the required two-thirds majority after an intense parliamentary battle.
  • founding of the Ku Klux Klan by the Pulaski Army

    founding of the Ku Klux Klan by the Pulaski Army
    December 25, 1865, a few days after the total abolition of slavery, some former Southern officers meet in Pulaski, Tennessee to form what will become the most famous and bloody American terrorist organization: the Ku Klux Klan