African Empires by: Arunima

  • Jan 1, 600

    The capital of the empire of Ghana was Koumbi.

    The capital of the empire of Ghana was Koumbi.
    Thsi capital was established around 600 AD.
  • Jan 1, 700

    By about 700 AD, Ghanian farmers stopped raising dates, cattle, and sheep and started trading slaves, slaves, and gold with their neighbours, Arabians.

    By about 700 AD, Ghanian farmers stopped raising dates, cattle, and sheep and started trading slaves, slaves, and gold with their neighbours, Arabians.
    , Ghanian farmers stopped raising dates, cattle, and sheep and started trading slaves, slaves, and gold with their neighbours, Arabians.
  • Jan 1, 1062

    Around 1062 AD,

    the ruler of Ghana was Tenkamenin.His tremendeously big wood, mud castle had extraordinary sculptures, pictures, and windows. He ruled a very wealthy kingdom.
  • Jan 1, 1236

    Around 1236 AD,

    Around 1236 AD,
    Ghana was crumbling down from its empire and Sundiata, who was a magician and a warrior, became the king of the Mali Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1307

    Around 1307 AD,

    Around 1307 AD,
    Mansa Musa, who was Sundiata's grandnephew, became the ruler of Mali. Mansa Musa was also a very religious Muslim
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Around 1324 AD,

    Around 1324 AD,
    since Mansa Musa was a religious Muslim, he visited Mecca(holiest city to Muslims). The he ordered all Muslims would visit Mecca at least once in thier lifetime.
  • Jan 1, 1332

    Around 1332 AD,

    Around 1332 AD,
    Mansa Musa died. As he died, he left a good and stable kingdom and economy
  • Jan 1, 1464

    Around 1464 AD,

    Around 1464 AD,
    Sunni Ali became the next Muslim leader of the next empire which was Songhai. He also had the most strongest West African Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1493

    Around 1493 AD,

    Around 1493 AD,
    Askia Muhammad, the most intellectual leader, took the throne. Askia Muhammad also encouarged learning, trading, and increasing the power of army by forcing neghbouring places for a surplus of soldiers.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Around 1497 AD,

    Around 1497 AD,
    When Askia Muhammad made a pilgrimage to Mecca, he returned with doctors, architects, scientists, and scholars to strengthen his empire.
  • Around 1700 AD,

    Around 1700 AD,
    the invading forces by Morocco and Spain destroyed the last of the great African empires.
  • Around 950 AD,

    Around 950 AD,
    Ghana's king was a Muslim; he also taxed things which passed throughout his kingdom for protection.