African American Struggle

  • Back codes

    They were passed by southern states, they were made to limit the rights of freed African Americans.
  • Howard University is the frist African American law school

    THe school was located in Washington, D.C, it was founded in 1867 by Gen. Oliver O. Howard.
  • American Americans have more rights

    Reconstruction ends in the South. There was federal attempts to provide African American with more freedom.
  • The Black Exodus occurs

    The Black Exodus was a seriers of events in which thousands of African Americans moved to Kansas from southern states.
  • Plessy bs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson stated that segregation was legal in America.
  • The Woman's National Trade Union

    It was created for serving the purpose of improved wages and better working conditions for woman.
  • The federal sufferage ammendment

    It was originally was written by Susan B. Anthony and introduced into congress in 1878
  • 19th Ammendment

    It basically stated that woman could vote.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    It was a lot of African Americans that moved to Harlem from out of the city. They moved here during segregation, this was a special place for the African American community. They had unquie literary, art, and intellectual movements.
  • Jackie Robinson

    He broke the color barrier in 1947 which allowed African Americans to sit with white people at the baseball games.
  • Equal wages for woman

    Woman would have to be paid an equal amount of money as the men do.
  • Martin Luther King's jr assassination

    He was assassinated in 1968