Missourii Compromise
This prohibited slavery in the Louisiana territory. -
Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery
Harriet Tubman found a way out of slavery and escaped to the north and she also helped free over 150 slaves. -
Period: to
Civil War
The Southern United States (confederates) fought for slavery against the Northern United States (union) who were against slavery. -
The 13th amendment
The 13th amendment abolitied slavery. -
The15th amendment
The 15th amendment granted African Americans the right ot vote -
Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson made history by being the first African American to play in the MLB. -
Emmit Till Murder
He was kidnapped and brutally beaten then shot in the head and tossed into the Tallahachie River. -
Rosa Park's bus boycott
Rosa Parks was on her way home from work when all of the white section seats on the bus were filled a white man got on and told Rosa to move but she refused to give up her seat. -
Martin Luther King I Have A Dream Speech
Martin Luther King Jr called for an end to racism in the United States. -
Mrtin Luther KIng Jr
at 6:01 on April, 4 ,1968 Martin Luther King Jr waqs lkilled by a sniper bullet he was standing by the balcony by his room in the hotel at the time the bullet hit him.