Slave Auctions
There were 2 types of slave auctions. The first is the person having the auction gives the slave buyers a ticket which represents that they payed. Then they let the doors open and all of the slave buyers run in and pick the slave they want. The second type of auction is where the put a slave on a stage and all of the slave buyers that are interseted can come up and examine the slave. Then they bid on the slave and the highest bidder wins. -
The Middle Passage (Start)
The middle passage was part of the triangle trade system. They were traded for other goods. It was where slaves were forced onto a boat and on average had 4 feet of space to eat, drink, sleep, go to the bathroom, and die for most of them. They were rarley fed and disaese spread quickly. Most of them died before they got off the boat and weren't removed for days. It was very smelly and hard to breathe. -
seasoning was extremely common throughout the states. This was the prosess where the slave owners would make the slave as close to themeselves as possible. What I mean by that is the would teach them english, convert them to their religion (christan), and would let them practice anything from africa. This prosess didn't always succeed. -
Act XII was a law made by the goverment against slave women. Often slave women were raped by their owners to make more slave for him. The women wanted the child to be free because its dad was. This act does not allow that and sqaushed this problem. This act states that any child whose mother is a slave they are also a slave. Doesn't matter if their father is white or not. -
The Meerman
The Meerman was one of many slave ships that transfered slaves through the middle passage. On this particular ship there was a slave revolt in which the boat crew had it coming. The crew gave the slaves too much freedom including giving them WEAPONS to clean. That then sparked the slave rebellion. they slaves made them turn the boat around to to bring them back home. But the crew tricked them and brought them to a town where they ones who landed on the shore were killed and the others were taken -
Bacons Rebellion
Bacons rebellion was led by a white man, Nathaniel Bacon, who was the governors cousin. He recruited poor people, slaves, and indentured servants to be on his side rather than his cousins. The governor and Nathaniel fought iver many things, the governor even put Bacon into his will to get his land when he and his wife die, but Bacon still goes against the governor and in the end, him and some of his supporters end up being hung for burnig down Jamestown -
The Low Country
The low country was made up of the Carolinas and Georgia. Slavery was huge in this region. Instead of tobacco being the staple crop, rice was. in Carolina 90% percent of the population was black. In Georgia there were as many blacks/slaves, as there were whites. They slave conditions in georgia and the Carolinas were much worse than in the Chesapeake. -
Stono's Rebellion
Stonos rebellion took place in South Carolina, where slaves made up 61% of the population. The governor of Florida instagated the revolt because florida was owned by spain and sothe slave any slaves that wanted freedom should flee there owners and come to Florida. 100 slaves took advantage of this and formed a black militia. The people in the militia ended up getting caught, stopped and killed. -
Boston Massacre