Escape of Harriet Tubman
Harrier Tubman got married to a free black man and chnaged her last name and she ran away and wanted him to come with her but he refused. She followed the NorthStar in the sky to guide her North of freedom -
Founding of NAACP
The National Association of the Advancement of colored people in an African-American Civil rights organization in the Untied States -
Period: to
Herlem Renissance
A literary and intellectual flowering that fostered a new black cultural identity -
Jackie Robison
Jackie Robison was the first African American to play major leauge baseball in the modern era -
Emmitt TIll murder
Emmitt was murdered for flirting with a white woman -
Rosa Parks Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks was sent to jail becuase she was sitting in a white persons site and refused to give up -
Little Rock Nine
Little Rock Nine were a group of african american students enrolled in Little Rock Centrel High School -
Grennsbaro Sit in
A series of nonvolent protest in Greensbao , North Carolina -
I Have A Dream Speech
Martin Luther giving his speech Martin Luther KIng gave his speech about how whites and blacks should be equal -
Martin Luther King was assassinated
Just after 6pm Martin Luther King was fatally shot while standing on the balcony