African American Female Writers of the 20th century

  • birth of Zora Hurston

    birth of Zora Hurston
  • Zora Hurston first publication

    she started publishing short stories
  • Zora Hurston graduation

    she graduated with a BA in anthropology
  • Toni Morrison birth

    Toni Morrison birth
    she was born in lorain ohio
  • Zora Hurston most famous publication

    she published mules and men
  • Alice Walker birth

    Alice Walker birth
    she was born in Georgia
  • Zora Hurston Death

    she died for disease
  • Alice Walker graduation

    she graduated in the sarah lawrence´s university and begun to develop her career
  • Alice Walker first poetic book

    she published her first poetic book
    " once "
  • Toni Morrison first novel

    she published the bluest eye
  • completed the studies - Zora Hurston

    enrolled at morgan college and completed the high school studies
  • Alice Walker most famous novel

    she published the color purple
  • cinematographic adaptation of Alice Walker nobel

    cinematographic adaptation of the color purple was in the cinemas
  • Toni Morrison nobel prize

    she was the first african american women to received the literature nobel prize
  • Toni Morrison publication

    she published home
  • Toni Morrison death

    she died in new york