NAACP Meets for the First Time
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoople. The start of the group was to stop lynching, but continued to find many other bills such as; anti-lynching, Costigan-Wagner, and the Voting Rights Act. -
Brown Vs. Board of Education
Linda Brown fought her way to the Supreme Court claiming that African American students should be allowed to attend "white only" schools if the situation would safen the lives of the children. The final ruling on the case was that the schools violated the 14th ammendment and was declared unconstitutional. The principle involved with this case was "seperate but equal." -
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Bus Boycott
The bus boycott was lead my Martin Luther King in response to Rosa Parks being forced to give up her seat on the bus. People refused to ride the bus and walked. The boycott was very effective and helped lead towards equality on public transportation. -
Little Rock Nine
Group of African American students enrolled at Little Rock Central High School. The students were at first not allowed to enter the school becasue the Govener of Arkansas, Oval Faubus, declared the school to be racially segregrated. Two weeks later the segregration ban was removed and the students were allowed to attend. -
Letter From Birmingham Jail
Letter written from jail by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In the letter MLK states that "people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws." -
Alabama Non-Violent Protest
A non-violent protest was in the Alabama park. Head of police Bull Connor used fire houses and police dogs on the non-violent protestors, which gave news worthy material to work towards equality. -
24th ammendment
The 24th ammendment made the poll tax null and void, allowing everyone an equal chance to vote. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
March from Selma to Montgomery
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led thousands of nonvoilent protestors to the capitol of Montgomery. This was a 5 day, 54 mile journey from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama.