
  • 500

    The state of Ghana is created

    Early settlers start to create an organized government state called Ghana
  • 700

    Christianity Spreads to Africa

    Through long distance trade, Christian followers spread their religion to African kingdoms such as Axum
  • 869

    The Zanj Revolt

    African slaves revolt against their muslim owners in the largest slave rebellion at the time.
  • 1000

    The Bantu peoples settle in most parts of Africa

    The Bantu migrations end and Africa is almost completely settled
  • 1000

    Muslim merchants travel to the Swahili states

    Merchants get attracted to the coastal states and travel to trade various goods.
  • 1100

    The height of Ghana

    The kingdom of Ghana reaches peak prominence and wealth
  • Period: 1230 to 1255

    The reign of Sundiata

    The creator of the Mali emperor
  • 1235

    Sundiata expands the small Mali empire

    Sundiata expands the small Mali empire
    Sundiata expands the power of the empire increasing the states power and wealth
  • 1300

    The collapse of the Kingdom of Ghana

    Attacks from nomadic peoples weakened the state until it eventually collapsed
  • Period: 1300 to 1505

    The high point of the Kilwa states

    The Kilwa peoples become controlled by the Portuguese which brings them great wealth and prosperity.
  • Period: 1312 to 1337

    The reign of Mansa Musa

  • 1325

    Pilgrimage to Mecca

    Mansa Musa goes on a trip to mecca and brings the Islamic religion back to Africa and Mali
  • 1500

    African Slave Trade Goes Worldwide

    African slave trade becomes popular in Europe and large intercontinental trade routes are created for slave trade.