AFrench and Indian War

By twinke
  • william pitt becomes foreign minister

    william pitt becomes foreign minister
    william pitt beame foreign miniter because the winning party in parlement elected himj.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • washington surrenders at fort necesity.

    washington surrenders at fort necesity.
    English Troops march to Fort Duquesne: French victory. This is important because it was the first british for so its the first battle of the French and Indian War. The unofficial start of the war.
  • Albany plan of union

    Albany plan of union
    this was the thing that started the war.
  • North America wanted to get rid of french pressence

    North America wanted to get rid of french pressence
  • johnson and Hendrick triumph at Lake George.

    johnson and Hendrick triumph at Lake George.
    this means that they win a battle at Lake Gorege.
  • england declared war

    england declared war
    the want to fight a war for land.
  • britian declared war

    britian declared war
    they want to fight to try to get land.
  • the tide turns to england

    the tide turns to england
    this means that things changed. if they were winning thery were now losing and if the were losing the were now winning.
  • colonial morale increased

    colonial morale increased
    it increases because of how the citizens feel.
  • Britian captured the city of Quebec

    Britian captured the city of Quebec
    britian now owned the city of quebec.
  • spain ally of france war

    spain ally of france war
    spain agrees to help france in the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    the treaty of paris ends the french and indian war.
  • End of pobtiacs rebellion

    End of pobtiacs rebellion
    the end of the rebellion.