Afghanistan mountain

Afghanistan Today

By damins
  • France and Afghanistan

    France and Afghanistan
    France ends combat operations in Afghanistan.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Early withdrawal from Afghanistan would fuel civil war.
  • The Currency

    The Currency
    In the span of a few weeks, the Afghan currency has dropped several points against the dollar. Government officials and money exchangers in Kabul say that Iranian businessmen, hungry for foreign exchange in the face of international sanctions, are buying up dollars from the Afghan economy and driving the Afghani down.
  • The Execution

    The Execution
    The United Nations' human rights body has decried Afghanistan's decision to execute 14 prisoners over a two-day span this week.
  • Afghanistan's Thanksgiving

    Afghanistan's Thanksgiving
    All Afghanistan soldiers come home to have Thanksgiving with their families.
  • Rights for Women

    Rights for Women
    Women in Afghanistan protest for not being able to participate in voting and getting an education.
  • The Murder

    The Murder
    Officials in Afghanistan’s eastern Maidan Wardak Province say three people have been killed and scores more injured in a suicide car-bomb blast. Ghullam Farooq Mukhles, the head of Wardak health department, told RFE/RL’s Radio Free Afghanistan that up to 90 people were wounded in the incident. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the morning bombing.
  • Suicide Car

    Suicide Car
    At least six Afghan security guards were wounded as a suicide car bomb went off outside an Afghan-NATO military base in eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar Friday evening, a provincial police spokesman said.
  • The U.S and Afghanistan

    The U.S and Afghanistan
    The United States and Afghanistan have begun negotiations on a security pact that would govern the continued presence of American military forces in the country after the departure in 2014 of the U.S. forces along with the other foreign contingents in the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
  • A US soldier dies

    A US soldier dies
    A US-led soldier has been killed in southern Afghanistan as the foreign troops are experiencing their most deadly days in the war-torn country. According to the US-led Western military alliance, the trooper died in a militant attack on Saturday. However, there was no report of the exact location of the incident.