Afghanistan Timeline

  • Theft

    Baba, teaches Amir that theft is the worst sin of all and proceeds to teach him so; “there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft” (Hosseini 17). Throughout his life however, Amir truly learns that his father all along was the thieve himself, as he would ignore and not say the most important events of Amir's life. Including the fact that Amir would later on hear about how his father had another son, which would be his half-brother.
  • Introduction To Asseff

    Assef, who we later on see as a rapist is child who considers Amir “a disgrace to Afghanistan” (Hosseini 41). Asseff proceeds to say this as Amir helps out and is friends with Hassan who is a Hazara. In Afghan society Pashtuns are higher than Hazaras and in Asseff's mind they should be disrespected. We later on in the story truly grasp this information.
  • Baba Builds an Orphanage

    When Amir was around the age of 5 or 6, Baba decides to build an orphanage; "Baba decided to build an orphange" (Hosseini, 13). By creating an orphanage he shames all the people who said he couldn't do it just in the way he had been doing his whole life and gains lots of respect in doing so. This put Baba and Amir in a more superior standing in society due to the vast amount of respect Baba has.
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan Timeline

  • The Rape

    During the winter months of 1975, Asseff confronted Hassan and Amir, and proceeded to rape him due to him being a Hazzara; '"There's nothing sinful about teaching a lesson to a donkey"' (Hosseini 75). What stirs Asseff to do this is the fact that Hassan is a different religion, a religion in this country is looked down upon. Due to this being the standard, Asseff goes as far as raping Hassan in order to teach him a lesson, leading to a change of friendship in the end between Hassan and Amir.
  • Kite Race

    In Kabul every year kite racing tournaments are held for kids and Amir who is unnoticed by his father uses it as an excuse “Kites were the one paperthin slice of intersection between those spheres” (Hosseini 49). Amir decides to compete in this competition only because he wants to get his father’s admiration, as he has been ignored by his father his whole life. This all due to Amir thinking it's his fault his mother is dead.
  • Coup D'etat

    During the years of 1978, Mohamed Daud was seized in a Soviet Coup D'etat; "Mohammed Daud seizes power in a coup and declares a republic. Tries to play off USSR against Western powers" Link text
  • Soviets Invade

    After the coup, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and put a communist government in place, "Soviet Army invades and props up communist government" Link text
  • Babrak Karmal

    To control Afghanistan, the Soviets put Babrak Karmal, a military dictator as a leader; "Babrak Karmal installed as ruler, backed by Soviet troops. But opposition intensifies with various mujahideen groups fighting Soviet forces. US, Pakistan, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia supply money and arms to the mujahideen" Link text
  • Hitler

    After the rape we experience that Asseff is an extremist, but him going as far as giving Hitler's book to Amir exemplifies his horrendous mind; "I tore the wrapping around Asseff's present and tilted the book cover in the moonlight. It was Hitler's biography" (Hosseini 82). This only goes to lead and show the truth behind how Asseff feels towards people. Similar to Hitler, Asseff also believes that certain religions and people should be discriminated.
  • Flee

    After the Russians invading and conducting a coup in Afghanistan Baba and his family knew they had to leave so they packed to leave to America; "Fremont, California. 1980s Baba loved the idea of America" (Hosseini 105). Baba thought that coming to America would change the life around for both Amir and himself. Giving up all his wealth in Afghanistan was one thing but to leave their country was another.
  • Soraya

    After moving to America, Amir also met the love of his life, the person he would later on marry; LYING AWAKE IN BED that night, I thought of Soraya Taheri's sickle shaped birthmark, her gently hooked nose, and the way her luminous eyes had fleetingly held mine. My heart stuttered at the thought of her. Soraya Taheri. My Swap Meet Princess" (Hosseini 119). After meeting Soraya, Amir's life truly changed. After meeting Soraya, Amir's father also passes away from lung cancer from smoking
  • Cancer

    Amir and his dad go to a doctor who reveals something dark; “cancer…Oat Cell Carcinoma... Inoperable” (Hosseini 156). Amir is blown and put in a life of depression after hearing this news. Baba however being Baba does not show any emotion and does not enjoy the fact that Amir is depressed. Baba then proceeds to teach how Amir can live on from this.
  • Loneliness

    After situating in America, Amir still did not feel right and decided to go and find Hassan; "There were a lot of reasons why i went to Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986" (Hosseini 175) Reconnecting with Hassan would give Amir the closure he had lost since moving to America. This would also make him feel like he had his friend back after all they had went through together.
  • Soviet Pulls Out Troops

    America, U.S.S.R, Afghanistan, and Pakistan make a peace accords so that the U.S.S.R pulls out troops; "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops" Link text
  • Last Russian Troops Leave

    In the year of 1989 the last Soviet Troops Leave; "Last Soviet troops leave, but civil war continues as mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah" Link text.
  • Sohrab Birth

    The same year that Hassan's mother returns to greet Hassan who she had abandoned years ago, Farzana the wife of Hassan becomes pregnant; "It was Sanaubar who delivered Hassan's son that winter of 1990" (Hosseini 211). Hassan who had not seen his mother since the time of his own birth, lets Sanaubar help deliver his son. Both Hassan and Farzana love Sohrab as he looks like Hassan.
  • Civil War Begins

    After the Soviets pull out troops, Najibullah's government crumbles, and civil war begins; "Najibullah's government toppled, but a devastating civil war follows" Link text
  • Taliban

    The Taliban notices their chance and seizes control of Kabul; "Taliban seize control of Kabul and introduce hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, and introducing Islamic punishments, which include stoning to death and amputations" Link text
  • Taliban Overrules Pakistan

    After the devastating civil war in Pakistan, the Taliban takes over; "Taliban recognised as legitimate rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They now control about two-thirds of country" (
  • Hassan's Death

    Later on Amir learns that Hassan has been killed by the Taliban due to not stating his place of residency, leading due to the death of himself and his wife; "shot him in the back of the head” (Hosseini 219). Hassan is shot because at this time the Taliban had full control of the government and despite his rights, the Taliban simply stated that he was lying and killed him. The "civil war" not only allowed Talibans to control Kabul but it set a new set of law in place.
  • The Fight

    After finding Sohrab, and finding out Asseff is now in the Taliban, Asseff tells to Amir to fight him for Sohrab but only results in Amir being severely beat. Unable to watch Sohrab does the unthinkable; “Please stop.Don’t hurt him anymore” (Hosseini 290). After seeing that Asseff is not stopping Sohrab screams and shoots a brass ball at Asseff. This resembles a sense of irony as Hassan and Amir threatened Asseff when they were little in the same way.
  • Taliban Oppostion Leader

    In 2001 a major opposition leader of the Taliban is killed; "Ahmad Shah Masood, leader of the main opposition to the Taliban - the Northern Alliance - is assassinated" (
  • Rahim Khan

    Soon after marrying Soraya and his father passing away, Amir hears news that Rahim Khan is dying; "Rahim Khan is very sick." A fist clenched inside me with those words" (Hosseini 164). After hearing of such words, Amir knows this is his last chance to also explain the event that had occured between him and Hassan, through this he also learns more than ever that Hassan was his half brother. He also learns that Hassan and his wife have also been killed by the Taliban.
  • Sohrab

    After visiting Afghanistan once again to adopt Sohrab, the son of Hassan, Amir finds out Hassan has been taken by the Taliban; "He took Sohrab a month ago," Zaman finally croaked, hands still shielding his face" (Hosseini 270). After finding this out Amir knows it his job to get Sohrab but out of frustration, Farid lashes out at the man. They later on find out that they could meet the men that took him at a soccer game.
  • Peace Treaty

    After a long time of war a treaty is signed; "The Afghan government signs a peace agreement with the militant group Hezb-e-Islami which grants immunity to the group's leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar" (