Afghanistan Timeline

  • Period: to

    King Zahir Shah

    Zahir Shah rules Afghanistan
  • Amir is born

    In 1963, Amir is born in Kabul. A year later, in 1964, Hassan is born in the shed in Baba's backyard. As Amir puts it, "It was in that small shack that Hassan's mother, Sonaubar, gave birth to him one cold winter day in 1964" (6).
  • Daoud Khan

    Daoud Khan seizes power from Zahir Shah and creates a Republic.
  • Hassan-Assef Conflict

    In the winter of 1975, Amir makes the conscious decision to leave Hassan in the alley. "In the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward" (77). This event is the catalyst for a series of events in the book.
  • Soivets Invade

    After numerous factions challenge the government, the soviets step in and invade Afghanistan.
  • Baba And Amir Leave

    As Kabul gets very dangerous due to the Soviets invading, Baba and Amir decide to leave for America. They leave their house to Rahim Khan and get smuggled over the border to Pakistan. "He was taking us to Jalalabad... where his brother Toor was waiting to drive us across the Khyber Pass and into Peshawar" (111). Here, they take a flight to America, where they have to start a new life.
  • Soviets Leave

    After 10 years, the Soviets were defeated and finally leaves Afghanistan.
  • Taliban

    The Taliban take control of Afghanistan.
  • Northern Alliance

    The Mujahideen formed the Northern Alliance to combat the Taliban.
  • Rahim Khan's Phonecall

    In June of 2001, Rahim Khan calls Amir and tells him that he is very sick and needs to talk to him. He says that there is "a way to be good again". As Amir says, "I knew it wasn't just Rahim Khan on the line. It was my past unatoned sins" (1). Once Amir comes back to Pakistan, Rahim Khan explains that he must save Hassan's orphaned son who is lost in Kabul as payback for what he did to Hassan.
  • Amir saves Sohrab

    Amir travels through Afghanistan, eventually rescuing Sohrab from Assef. He brings Sohrab to Pakistan, where they sort out legal issues regarding Sohrab's situation. After Sohrab tries to kill himself, Amir takes him home to America. "We arrived home about seven months ago, on a warm day in August of 2001" (357).
  • AL Qaeda Attack

    Al Qaeda launched an attack on the twin towers in America. This brought America into Afghanistan.
  • President Ashraf Ghani

    In 2004, a government supported by the US was elected. The president was Ashraf Ghani.
  • Osama Bin Laden Assasination

    In 2011, US troops assassinated Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda. He was hiding in Pakistan.
  • Today

    Today, Afghanistan is still ravaged by warfare and destruction.