Hassan is Raped
When Assef catches up with Hassan, Hassan, "Didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper. [Amir] caught a glimpse of his face. [And] saw the resignation in it"(75-76). Often times when people are raped or harassed they have one of three responses, fighting, running, or doing nothing. Hassan experiences the third response and it shows how he felt he could do nothing to save himself. -
Ali quits and leaves with Hassan
After finding out Hassan was raped, Ali informs baba that, "[they] can't live here [Baba's house] anymore"(106). Ali probably feels awful that Hassan is constantly reminded of what has happened to him. Not only does this hopefully help Hassan ditch his past, but it also shows how strong Hassan is. -
Soviet union invades Afghanistan
When reporting on the first few invasions of Afghanistan were by the soviet union, "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 17, 1979" (The New York Times). -
Amir and Baba leave Kabul
The initial trip had come as a bit of a shock to Amir and, "[His] innards had been rolling since [they had] left Kabul just after two in the morning" (110). Even though Amir is much older now, it still feels terrifying for him to have to endure such difficulty and immigrate. Baba is still proud of him, but also harsh as they venture to America. -
Baba and Amir move to California
After being in Peshawar for a period of time, Baba and Amir moved to the U.S. as both Amir and, "Baba loved the idea of America"(125). In their eyes after the war that they had endured anything would be better than Afghanistan. Baba and Amir say the United States as a ray of hope. -
Amir graduates High School
Amir made both himself and Baba proud when he, "graduated high school at the age of twenty" (131). Even though that may seem old, it shows the determination of Amir; especially since english is not Amir's first language. It seems to show how much they care for each other and how Amir and Baba have each other's backs. -
Amir asks for Soraya's hand in marriage
Amir is pleased to find out that,"'The general accepted.'... [he] sat down. [His] hands were shaking" (163). In the afghani culture the sons father must ask the daughters father if they can marry, so when Soraya's father accepts Amir is relieved. There seems to be a lot of pressure on ho he presented himself and his overall character. -
Baba dies
Baba's spoke his last words a month after the wedding when he said, " "There is no pain tonight'... [And Soraya] pulled up his blanket. [They] closed the door. Baba never woke up" (173). This was part of Amir's hardship when moving to America. It seems that Amir would find peace in the fact that Baba was not in pain and died peacefully. -
Soraya and Amir move into their first apartment
After getting married Amir and Soraya took their first big step and, "moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Fremont"(180). This also shows how Baba was right in the fact that Amir would be able to function on his own. This shows how him and Soraya would be able to grow and prosper as a couple. -
Mullah Omar had around 12,000 followers
After Mullah Omar, "gathered a small band of men and attacked a group of warlords who had raped a girl and shaved her head" (NTY) he gained many supporters. -
The Taliban has fully taken control of Afghanistan
After the Taliban officially took control of Afghanistan they began, "imposing struct enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law" (The New York Times). -
The United States becomes militarily involved with Afghanistan
The United States has been attempting to help Afghanistan for an long time, in fact, "The united states has been militarily involved in Afghanistan since 2001" (NYT). -
Taliban are defeated
Even though the Taliban were said to be defeated in 2001 they, "continued to wage a guerrilla warfare from a base in the... tribal area on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border" (The New York Times). -
Hamid Karzai was named chairman of an interim government
Hamid Karzai, " a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the exiled former king of Afghanistan" (NYT) became chairman of interim government in 2001. -
Amir goes back to Afghanistan
Amir was nervous as he returned to Afghanistan and, "sat on a window seat aboard a Pakistani International Airlines flight"(194). Amir obviously felt very anxious as he headed back to Kabul. There was no way of knowing who he would see, such as Hassan or even Assef. -
Amir find out that him and Hassan were brothers
After meeting with Rahim Khan he tells Amir that, "'Ali was sterile.'"(223). This must change Amirs whole perspective on why Baba treated Hassan the way he did, it was not just out of the kindness of his heart, but also to care for both of his sons. Amir probably also felt so much more guilt and regret about his child hood and how he treated Hassan. -
Amir meets Assef once again
When Amir realizes who the Taliban is who took Sohrab he was in shock since he was, "he was sitting less than ten feet away from [Amir], after all these years. His name escaped [Amir's] lips 'Assef'"(281). Encountering his old bully, more importantly the guy who rapped Hassan, brings up traumatizing memories. It also seems to be one of his main hurdles in his quest for atonement. -
Sohrab hits Assef with his slingshot
In another form of symbolism Sohrab stands up for Amir and, "Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming. He put his hand where his left eye had been..." (291). Giving readers a glimpse of how Hassan and Sohrab both have such large amounts of courage. It also shows that Sohrab is like Hassan in the fact that they are both willing to stand up for what is truly right. -
Sohrab attempts suicide.
After being fearful that he would have to go back to an orphanage Amir finds Sohrab and he began, "screaming until [he] thought [his] throat would rip out" (343). It seemed nothing could break Sohrab after all he went through. The orphanage reminds Sohrab of all of his misfortune and so much more. -
Sohrab and Amir head back to America
From Amir's perspective in the book he feels relieved as they had, "arrived home about seven months ago" (357). They must have been very weary from this trip but still seemed to share their lives with Sohrab. The readers can tell that he will fit in nicely with Amir and Soraya. -
Sohrab smiles
As they are flying kites Amir asks if he should run for one and he sees, "A smile. Lopsided. Hardly there. But there" (371). This is how the reader finally knows that Sohrab's life has been and will continue to be changed for the better. It shows that the suicidal kid we once were introduced to has began to change after all this time. -
Mr. Karzai is elected for a 5 year presidency term
After saying that, "he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much needed international aid" (NYT) Mr. Karzai was elected to a presidency in Afghanistan. -
General Petraeus takes charge of US central command
The Iraq commander, "General Petraeus... had taken charge of United States Central Command in October 2008"(NYT). -
President Obama removed Gen. McChrystal
In the year 2010 President Obama, "removed Gen. McChrystal after contemptuous quotes from the general" (NYT). -
Initial plans for American combat forces begin to withdraw from Afghanistan
President obama, "vowed to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan in the middle of 2011" (NYT).